- Go away and don't come the old soldier in my pub again. 走开,别装穷光蛋再来我酒馆里讨喝的。
- King is always referring to his bygone experience and saying what he did. I'm tired of his playing the old soldier over us at the Club. 金老是提他过去的经验,说他如何如何。我挺讨厌他在俱乐部里当着我们的面摆老资格。
- Our talk soon turned to his role as the old soldier. 我们的话题很快转到他扮演老兵的事上来。
- King is always referring to his bygone experience and saying what he did.I'm tired of his playing the old soldier over us at the Club. 金老是提他过去的经验,说他如何如何。我挺讨厌他在俱乐部里当著我们的面摆老资格。
- Don't come the old soldier over me, because I'll not have it. 别在我面前摆老资格,我才不吃这一套呢!
- The old soldier never lost his military demeanor. 那个老军人从来没有失去军人风度。
- The old soldier scolds the cold weather. 老兵咒骂寒冷的天气。
- They played the old year out with Auld Syne. 他们演奏《友谊地久天长》辞旧岁。
- The old soldier sold the cold to the gold holder. 老兵把寒冷买给了黄金的持有者。
- The old soldier was given a medal of honor. 这位士兵被授予一枚荣誉奖章。
- He's just playing the old soldier. He's not ill. 他只是在装病偷懒,他没病。
- The old soldier was so inured to danger that he became careless. 那位老战士已习惯了危险因而变得无所谓。
- play the old soldier 装病逃避工作
- The boss warned Henry not to come the old soldier again. 老板告诫亨利再不要装病偷懒。
- The old boys raised a team to play the school at soccer. 校友们组成了一个队与校队赛足球。
- The old soldier had campaigned in nearly every country in Europe . 这个老兵几乎在欧洲所有的国家都作过战。
- He played the role of the old king in our play. 他在我们演的剧中扮演老国王的角色。
- Don't come the old soldier over me,because I'll not have it. 别在我面前摆老资格,我才不吃这一套呢!
- She can play the most difficult piano music by ear. 她能不看乐谱,光凭听觉记忆弹奏最难的钢琴曲。
- Don't try to come the old soldier over me. I know its price. 别想骗我,我知道价格。