- Here we have a troubled woman charged with a felony to which she pleaded no contest today. 还有个很焦虑的女人被控重罪,如今她没有任何辩护。
- In late April, Jenna pleaded no contest to a charge of possessing alcohol under age at an Austin nightclub. 四月下旬,杰娜对警方对她在奥斯丁一家夜总会饮酒的指控没提出任何异议。
- Clark, 38, pleaded no contest to an animal cruelty charge and was sentenced to 180 days in jail for shooting his dog. 现年38岁的克拉克先前在法庭上对于有关其残害动物的指控供认不讳,并且因向自己的宠物狗开枪而被判处180天监禁。
- In February, she had pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor assault charge and was sentenced to three years'probation. 在二月,她没有为一个轻罪的攻击控诉和被判决三年缓刑辩护!
- In late April,Jenna pleaded no contest to a charge of possessing alcohol under age at an Austin nightclub. 四月下旬,杰娜对警方对她在奥斯丁一家夜总会饮酒的指控没提出任何异议。
- The man pleaded no contest to starting a restaurant fire with a cigrette he flip ped. 这名男子扔的香烟导致了宾馆大火,面对罪行,此人并未提出异议。
- At the trial, Scofield pled no contest and requested to serve time in the Level One facility closest to his Chicago home. 审讯时,迈克尔没有辩护,只提出要在靠近他家的芝加哥市的一级监狱里服刑。
- At his trial, Scofield pled no contest and requested to serve time in the level one facility closest to his Chicago home. 在审判时,西尔斯司考菲尔德没有竞赛,并要求服务时间,在第一级设施最接近他芝加哥的家。
- Cutts pleaded no contest to a disorderly conduct charge in 1998 after he was accused of breaking into the home of a former girlfriend. 1998年卡特斯因私自闯入其前任女友家中被控妨害公共安全,卡特斯没有对这一控告提出异议。
- The 38-year-old comedian, who currently costars on NBC's "30 Rock", pleaded no contest to a drunken driving charge in February of this year. 这位38的喜剧演员,目前正在合演美国国家广播公司的”30摇滚”。他在今年2月已接受了一起醉酒驾驶的起诉。
- He had pled no contest in 1997 to assaulting his former girlfriend and was required to complete a one-year anger-management course as part of his probation. 他在1997年对袭击他前女友的罪状选择不予辩护,之后他被要求参加一年的恶劣情绪控制课程作为缓刑的一部分。
- LOS ANGELES -- Former NBA star Dennis Rodman pleaded no contest to misdemeanor spousal battery Tuesday and was ordered to undergo counseling and to perform highway or other physical labor. 洛杉矶--前NBA球星丹尼斯。罗德曼周二对殴打他人的罪名表示认罪,他被判处接受心理咨询,并从事高速公路建设或其他体力工作。
- plead no contest 认罚不认罪
- If you receive a traffic ticket, you normally have the option to plead guilty or no contest and accept the consequences, or plead not guilty and fight the ticket in court. 如果你接到一张交通罚单,你通常有权选择服罪或者不予辩驳,接受事实,或者不服罪,进行法庭辩论。
- If the election is one-sided,it is really no contest. 如果选举呈一边倒的局 面;那么实际上毫无竞争 可言.
- No contest, this is the coolest anime ever created by human beings. 毫无争议,这是一部人类史上最酷的动画片。
- "In late April, Jenna pleaded no contest to a charge of possessing alcohol under age at an Austin nightclub." 四月下旬,杰娜对警方对她在奥斯丁一家夜总会饮酒的指控没提出任何异议。
- Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest. 我们很少见到在持枪抢劫案中,主动要求不要辩护的。
- The election was so one-sided that it was really no contest,ie only one side was likely to win. 选举呈现一边倒的局面,实际上毫无竞争可言。
- The election was so one-sided that it was really no contest, ie only one side was likely to win. 选举呈现一边倒的局面,实际上毫无竞争可言。