- lone pledged by warehouse receipts 仓单质押贷款
- lending business pledged by warehouse receipts 仓单质押
- pledge by warehouse receipts 仓单质押
- bill accompanied by warehouse receipts 附仓单票据
- SMEs to address the difficult security issues, China Construction Bank have implemented innovative products, "warehouse receipts pledge loans" and "small business loans to UNPROFOR. 为解决中小企业担保难问题,建行相继推出了创新产品“仓单质押贷款业务”和“小企业联保贷款”。
- December 5th-7th Deputy General Manager Zhang Jinsheng attended the advanced symposium on pledge of warehouse receipt held in Qiqihr by China Construction Bank together with China International Futures Co., Ltd. 月5-7日,副总经理张晋生赴哈尔滨参加中国建设银行和中期公司联合举办的仓单质押高级研讨会。
- Decorates the silverware with a piece of spring,carries the pledge by the jade green... 在高贵的银器中点缀上那一抹春意,用翡翠般的绿承载永恒的誓言...
- And her father hears about her vow or pledge but says nothing to her, then all her vows and every pledge by which she obligated herself will stand. 她父亲也听见她所许的愿并约束自己的话,却向她默默不言,她所许的愿并约束自己的话就都要为定。
- Match all invoices to warehouse receipts and purchase orders: price, qty and etc. 采购发票;入库单与采购订单的三方核对.
- The warrant is a duplicate warehouse receipt or, better a combined warehouse and trust receipt. 保单是一种双重含义的仓储单,更确切地说,是仓储和信托的联合收据。
- Collect invoices from suppliers and match invoiced items and quantities with purchase orders and IQC warehouse receipts. 从供应商处收集发票,与采购订单及仓库IQC进料单核对发票相关内容。
- Article 387 Nature and Assignability of Warehouse Receipt The warehouse receipt is the voucher for retrieving the goods. 第三百八十七条仓单是提取仓储物的凭证。
- Therefore, warehouse receipts system research should be reinforced at home, which denotation and connotation need to go further into explore and richness. 因此,仓单系统的研究在国内还需亟待加强,其内涵和外延尚待进一步探讨和丰富。
- There is a warehouse infested by rats. 那有一个大批老鼠出没的仓库。
- Only a tightening of bailment law, ensuring that any issue of fake warehouse receipts is treated as fraudulent and illegal, finally put an end to this clearly impermissible practice. 直到保管法的逐步健全,保证了任何虚假的仓库单据都被视为非法欺诈行为,才最后终结了这种明显不该被允许的行为。
- LME aluminum stock cancellation of warehouse receipts rose to 152,500 tons from 138,100 tons, traders said, may of these aluminum exports to China will be the Government's reserves. LME铝库存取消仓单由138,100吨升至152,500吨,交易商表示,可能这些铝将输往中国政府的储备。
- And her husband heard of it and was silent with respect to her and did not disallow her, then all her vows will stand and any pledge by which she has bound herself will stand. 11丈夫听见,却向她默默不言,也没有不应承,凡她所许的愿,并约束自己的话,就都要为定。
- And real silk also is met destroy material to pledge by course insolate medium protein composition, meeting generation becomes angry crack easily wait for consequence. 而真丝被经过曝晒也会破坏材质中的蛋白质成分,会产生变色易裂等后果。
- The WTO last week sounded an alarm about a rise in trade barriers in spite of a pledge by governments around the world at April's G20 meeting in London to resist protectionism. 世贸组织上周警告,尽管各国政府在4月份伦敦二十国集团(G20)峰会上承诺抵制保护主义,但贸易壁垒正在增加。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。