- Liz Phair has been plenty busy in the four years since 'Whip-Smart,' during which time she's seen the creative and commercial climate for female artists flourish under her influence. 身材高挑的她有着迷人的蓝色眼珠,因为喜欢穿红色的衣服而显得更加楚楚动人;
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- There is plenty of space here to move about. 这里有很大的活动空间。
- In years of plenty everyone has plenty to eat. 丰年时人人都吃得饱。
- A growing child needs plenty of sleep. 正发育的孩子必须睡眠充足。
- The busy road outside the school is a menace. 学校外面那条车水马龙的大道是个危险之地。
- Don't let the fire go out; there's plenty of wood. 不要让火灭了,有的是木柴。
- I padded out my answer with plenty of quotations. 我用了大量引文把答案拉长。
- As I had plenty of money I was able to help her. 我钱很宽裕,能帮助她。
- I won the race with plenty of time in hand. 我是在节省了很多时间的情况下赢得这场比赛的。
- The carpenter was busy sawing the logs into planks. 这位木匠正忙着把圆木锯成厚板。
- The moderates have plenty to be anxious about. 温和派有许多问题要担忧。
- Plenty of money often drew out the worst in people. 大量的钱财往往使人显露出最坏的本质。
- The workman is still busy concreting the road. 工人还在忙着用混凝土铺路。
- There is plenty of work to be done in the garden. 园子里有许多事要做。
- This itinerary leaves us plenty of leeway. 这个旅行计划给我们留有很多自由活动的余地。
- He is busy sucking in with his immediate superior. 他忙着巴结自己的顶头上司。
- If a lawyer has plenty of clients, he grows rich. 律师如果有大量的诉讼委托人,就会财源不断。
- He was busy leveling the ground and laying turves. 他正忙于平整土地铺草皮。
- Ken: We have got plenty of time. 肯恩:我们还有充裕的时间。