- If you have missed this chance, don't worry; there will be plenty more. 如果你错过了这次机会,不必担心,今后还会有很多机会。
- There is plenty more paper if you need it . 如果你需要纸的话,有的是。
- There's plenty more paper if you need it. 你需要纸的话,有的是。
- We have plenty more of them in the warehouse. 我们仓库里这类东西还多得很。
- There are plenty more fish in the sea. 天涯何处无芳草。
- There is plenty more of it in the kitchen. 厨房里还有很多。
- We've got plenty more in the shop. 我们店里还有很多。
- Plenty more gains are going begging. 更多的举措进展迟缓。
- There are plenty more chairs in here. 这里还有许多椅子。
- There is plenty more paper if you need it. 如果你需要纸的话,有的是。
- There's plenty more ice cream in the fridge. 冰箱里还有很多冰淇淋。
- Jason: Aha!! I got plenty more just in case. 杰森:不坏吧,我还有呢,以防万一。
- Get stuck in,there's plenty more food where that came from. 开始吃,还有很多很多的食物呢。
- There are Plenty more fish in the sea. Why did she leave? 天涯何出无芳草,她为什么离开你?
- Khun Sa had always said that there were plenty more like him. 坤沙总是讲道,世界上像他这样的毒枭还很多。
- If you have missed this chance,don't worry; there will be plenty more. 如果你错过了这次机会,不必担心,今后还会有很多机会。
- But there are plenty more changing nappies one minute and training the next. 但是像他们一样前一分钟还在忙着换尿布,下一刻就得去训练的运动员还有很多。
- He was right there to tell me there are plenty more fish in the sea. 他刚好在那儿告诉我还有很多机会。
- There are plenty more changing nappies one minute and training the next. 像这样前一分钟还在给孩子换尿布,后一分钟就开始训练的运动员还有很多很多。
- Probably plenty more, wait I just even go deep into the study apprehensibility. 或许还有很多,等我更深入学习才能理解。