- pleural finger sign 胸膜指状征[平片肺内癌瘤的X线征象]
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence. 她举起一根手指放在唇边,示意肃静。
- The pleural localization thickening,acute angle to pleura and comet tail sign is essential feature. 胸膜局限性增厚、彗星尾征及胸膜的锐角夹角为胸腔积液致球形肺不张最基本的特征
- He tied a string on his finger to jog his memory. 他把一条细绳系在指头上,以唤起记忆。
- He that handle thorn shall pick his finger. 手中弄荆棘,难免被刺伤。
- Never poke a finger or scissors into an electric socket. 千万不要把手指或剪刀插进电源插座。
- She poked her finger into the hole. 她把手指插入孔中。
- She twirled a strand of hair round her finger. 她把一绺头发卷绕在手指上。
- I cut my finger on a sharp stone. 我的手指被一块锋利的石头划破了。
- Don't cut your finger on the broken glass. 别让碎玻璃割伤你的手。
- He crooked his finger to himself. 他向内勾起手指。
- There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 绑架危机毫无缓和迹象。
- He probed the swelling anxiously with his finger. 他很担心地用手指触摸肿处。
- I was forced to sign the agreement against my will. 我被迫违心地在协议上签了字。
- Now the water is so hot I burnt my finger in it. 现在水很热,我的手指伸进去都烫痛了。
- Soldiers sign out when they leave the barracks. 士兵离开营房得登记签字。
- He can't get his ring off his finger. 他无法指导戒指从手指上拿下来。
- She made a sign for me to approach her. 她对我发出靠近她的暗号。
- He can't get the ring off his finger. 他不能把戒指脱下来。