- In those days talented young people were too often ploughed under. 在那些岁月里,有才干的青年常常被埋没。
- Farmers say they must plow under some of the stalks, cobs and leaves to reinvigorate the soil but can harvest most of this plant matter. 农民表示必须埋下一些玉米杆、玉米轴和叶子以回复地力,但大部份的玉米作物原料都可以采收。
- The smell from their waste can also be a problem.So farmers spread the waste on cropland and plow under immediately to help control the smell. 猪粪便的臭味也是个问题,有些养殖户将猪的粪便撒在耕地里并及时将它犁到地地下来消除臭味。
- It too has been ploughed under in favour of corn. 大麦种植也被玉米所取代。
- In those days,talented people were too often ploughed under. 在那些岁月里,有才干的青年常常被埋没。
- When the forest was cleared,a lot of small branches were ploughed under. 森林被砍伐后许多小树枝被犁入土中。
- Weeds are useful in a way--when ploughed under they can be turned into manure. 杂草有个好处,翻过来就是肥料。
- When the forest was cleared, a lot of small branches were ploughed under. 森林被砍伐后许多小树枝被犁入土中。
- Within the next weeks the mustard would grow in profu sion, then be plowed under to fertilize. 再过几个星期,芥菜就要长得密密麻麻的,然后就一起翻到地里作为肥料。
- All our hopes for winning the election were ploughed under when the votes were counted. 选票统计出来后,我们选举获胜的全部希望都破灭了。
- The remains of the crop should be ploughed under to enrich the fertility of the soil. 庄稼的秸棵应埋入土中,增加肥力。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敌军在我军的攻击下垮了。
- Farmers plow in autumn or spring. 农民在秋天或春天犁地。
- The plow was pulled by a yoke of oxen. 一对公牛同轭拉着一头犁。
- The firm will go under unless business improves. 生意若无起色,公司非垮不可。
- Farmers now use tractors to plow their fields. 现今农民用牵引机耕地。
- The remains of the crop should be ploughed under to enrich the fertility d the soil. 庄稼的秸棵应埋入土中,增加肥力。
- Machines have steadily plowed under wildflower prairies until none are left except the tiny patch I'm standing in. 这片曾经野花盛开的草原被机器按部就班地翻梨过,什么都没留下,除了我脚下的这一小片草地。
- Most doctors thought heart disease was just nature's way of ploughing under the old crop. 大多数的医生认为心脏病无非是自然界一种“吐故”的方法。