- This thinking also aimed to guarantee that profits would be plowed back into those big unpredictable trends. 这个想法的目的是保证在无法预测的大趋势时投入利润。
- The money was all ploughed back into the company. 所有的钱都再投资到这个公司。
- The profits were ploughed back into business. 所获的利润又被投入到生意中。
- Earthworms are used at Nutrilite because they help to aerate the soil, speed up decomposition of plant material plowed back into the soil, add natural humus material called castings and break up water channeling through tunnels for dispersion. 39健尔力利用蚯蚓帮助疏通土壤的空气,加快植物分解并重新溶入泥土中,为泥土加入天然的腐植质,同时,蚯蚓在泥土中四处钻动,有助水分渗透。
- When the forest was cleared,a lot of small branches were ploughed back. 森林被砍伐后,许多小树枝被埋入地下。
- When the forest was cleared, a lot of small branches were ploughed back. 森林被砍伐后,许多小树枝被埋入地下。
- We must increase the rate of ploughing back mew money into equipment and expansion. 我们必须加快速度,投入新的资金增加设备和扩大再生产。
- The remains of the crop should be ploughed back to increase the fertility of the soil. 残留的庄稼应犁入土中,增加肥力。
- My father had been ploughing back much of the profits into the land and saving the rest for death duties. 我父亲一直把所获赢利的大部分投入土地,而节省其余的钱交遗产税。
- The ship plowed across the ocean. 轮船在大海上破浪前进。
- Any surplus is ploughed back into the development of farming and the provision of scholarships for farmers'children. 佣金若有盈余则会用于发展农业并提供奖学金给予农民子弟。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- He also suggested that some of the savings should be ploughed back into higher state pensions for the over-eighties. 他还建议,利用部分节省下来的资金,提高八十岁以上老人的退休金。
- The ground was plowed and planted with corn. 地翻耕后种上了玉米。
- We plowed our way through the crowd. 我们用力从人群中挤过去。
- Any surplus is ploughed back into the development of the farming industry and the provision of scholarships for farmers'children. 若有盈余,则会用于发展农业并向农民子弟提供奖学金。
- He plowed the land and then sowed the seeds. 他先翻土,然后播种。
- Farmers plow in autumn or spring. 农民在秋天或春天犁地。
- The plow was pulled by a yoke of oxen. 一对公牛同轭拉着一头犁。
- Farmers now use tractors to plow their fields. 现今农民用牵引机耕地。