- We are going to midnight mass on Xmas Eve. 圣诞夜那天我们去参加子夜弥撒。
- plum-form mass on rib 肋疽
- Your hair is the large number of hairs that grow in a mass on your head. 你的头发就是长在你头上那。
- St. Patrick's Cathedral is famed for its midnight mass on Christmas eve. 圣巴特里克大教堂以其圣诞前夜的午夜弥撒著称。
- America's troops are not massed on China's borders. 美国没有在中国的边界集结军队。
- Troops are being massed on the frontier. 军队正在边境集结。
- Dark clouds massed on the horizon. 天边乌云密布。
- Pine with bamboo and plum forms the pattern known as“ three friends in chilly weather”. 人们赋予它意志刚强,坚贞不屈的品格,与竹、一起比做“岁寒三友”,而予以敬重。
- Clouds are massing on the horizon. 地平线上云彩正在聚集。
- The army was massing on the frontier. 军队集结在边境上。
- Troops are massing on the frontier. 军队在边境集结。
- Troops are being massed on the frontier . 军队正在边境集结。
- The paper detailed describes how to knit face fabric with rectangular effect on rib machine by use of mercerized strong and ordinary twisted yarn. 在罗纹机上编织的织物,利用其强捻和普通捻度棉纱丝光后的反光差距,开发出方格效果针织面料。
- The paper detailed describes how to knit face fabric with rectangular effect on rib machine by use of mercerized strong and ordinary twisted yam. 摘要在罗纹机上编织的织物,利用其强捻和普通捻度棉纱丝光后的反光差距,开发出方格效果针织面料。
- We will attend midnight mass on Christmas Eve, as it is our family custom to do so. 我们将参加平安夜的午夜弥撒,这是我们家的惯例。
- During the election campaign the candidate mailed his colors to the mass on the question of civil right. 竞选中,这个候选人在民权问题上阐明了自己的政见。
- The plastic deformation on ribs caused by punch push down and skin springback. 筋条的塑性变形既有凸模下压导致的塑性变形,又有蒙皮回弹导致的塑性变形;
- A Study on Wanted for Arrest Viewed form Mass Media 传播学视角下的通缉研究
- He consulted fully with the masses on each job to be done. 每干一份工作,他都充分和群众商量。
- This movement has aroused the masses on a large scale. 群众发动的面很广。