- He does not plume himself on these achievements. 他并不因这些成就而自夸。
- He does not plume himself on these achievements . 他并不因这些成就而自夸。
- He plumed himself on belonging to the aristocracy. 他为自己是个贵族而洋洋自得。
- He often plumes himself on his accomplishment. 他经常居功自傲。
- He plumed himself on knowing a move or two. 他自矜精明。
- He plumed himself on having the belle of the ball as his date. 他以得到舞会花魁同他约会而自豪。
- He modeled himself on his father. 他把他的父亲作为自己的楷模。
- He does not plume himself on these achievements 他并不因这些成就而自夸。
- He's always preening himself on his success. 他总是对自己的成功沾沾自喜。
- He values himself on his conversational power. 他常夸耀自己的交谈能力。
- He prides himself on his handwriting. 他以他的书法为自豪。
- Now Yang Su, that proud noble, plumed himself on the fact that in those unsettled times, no one in the empire had greater power or prestige than he. 素骄贵,又以时乱,天下之权重望崇者,莫我若也。
- He weighed himself on the bathroom scales. 他在浴室的磅秤上称体重。
- He refused to commit himself on the subject. 关於那个问题,他拒绝表明自己的态度。
- He won't commit himself on women's rights. 他不会对女权问题发表意见的。
- He doesn't have to exert himself on my behalf. 他不必为我费那么大力气。
- Hamlet revenged himself on his father's murderer. 哈姆雷特向谋害他父亲的人报了仇。
- He piques himself on having a good memory. 他常夸耀自己记性好。
- He refused to commit himself on the issue. 他拒绝就那一问题发表看法。
- He prided himself on knowing 5 languages. 他以懂五种语言而自豪。