- pocket slide rule 袖珍滑尺
- One handy example of how classroom practices can change is the replacement of the slide rule by the pocket calculator. 能够怎样改革课堂实习的一个简便的事例是用袖珍计算器代替计算尺。
- One handy example is the replacement of the slide rule by the pocket calculator. 一个简便的事例是用袖珍计算器代替计算尺。
- The computer has supplanted the slide rule. 计算机取代了计算尺。
- The shirt and tie evolved into a T-shirt sporting some software advertisement.The pocket protector has been replaced by a cell phone holster.And the slide rule has become an electronic calculator. 时至今日,衬衫跟领带换成印著软体广告的T恤,手机袋取代口袋护套,计算尺则变成了电子计算机。
- Inscribed with a dozen or more function scales, the slide rule symbolized the mysteries of arcane science. 计算尺上刻著十几种函数刻度,宛如科学奥秘的化身。
- Before the 1970s the slide rule, or slipstick, was as common as the typewriter or the mimeograph machine. 1970年代之前,计算尺跟打字机和油印机一样,随处可见。
- In these days of electronic calculators,the slide rule is out of date as a mathematical aid. 在使用电子计算器的当代,作为数学辅助特的计算尺已经过时了。
- Over a period of only a few years,the slide rule gave place to the electronic calculator. 只经过了这么几年,计算尺就被电子计算器所代替了。
- A simple example of the first type is the slide rule, which mathematicians and scientists have been using for generations. 好几代数学家和科学家沿用的计算尺就是第一类中的简单例子。
- In these days of electronic calculators, the slide rule is out of date as a mathematical aid. 在使用电子计算器的当代,作为数学辅助特的计算尺已经过时了。
- Each car also has five pairs of pneumatically operated pocket sliding doors on each side. 每节车厢每侧装有五对压缩空气控制的内塞式滑动门。
- Over a period of only a few years, the slide rule gave place to the electronic calculator. 只经过了这么几年,计算尺就被电子计算器所代替了。
- He has to tell "Poindexter" to put away his slide rule and live with the decision. 他要能够推开计算尺说“搞定”并投入到决策当中。
- A pianist might play most of the ivories on the keyboard, but rarely did any engineer use all the scales on his (almost never her) slide rule. 钢琴家或许会弹到键盘上大部份琴键,但工程师则极少完全用到计算尺上的全部刻度。
- A slide rule consists of three interlocking calibrated strips.The central strip can be moved lengthways relative to the other two. 一把计算尺通常由三个互相锁定的有刻度的长条和一个滑动窗口(称为游标)组成。
- The circular slide rule is the industry standard for duct design.It is the simplest, most convenient way to take into account the many variables of ductwork analysis. 这个实验大致上分成两个阶段,第一个阶段是放大器的设计与制作,第二个阶段是元件直流特性与杂讯的量测与分析。
- The coins jingled in his pocket. 他衣袋里的硬币叮当乱响。
- The slide rule, however, is also relatively inaccurate.This means the ductwork is designed with a higher static pressure and greater noise and turbulence than is necessary. 由于事先已经对欲量测样品的直流特性有一定程度的瞭解,所以基本上我们设计放大器的方向即由已知的元件特性决定。
- He paid for it out of his own pocket. 他是自己掏腰包的。