- point after sb. 从背后指着 ...
- He kicked the extra point after touchdown. 在攻方持球的情况下,他还踢进一球得了额外一分。
- The firm should reach breakeven point after one year. 该公司在一年后收支平衡。
- A score made on a try for a point or points after a touchdown. 触地得分在触地后再次发球所得的一分或几分
- In Europe, Hantec also plans to establish its second anchor point after Paris. 欧洲方面,集团计划在巴黎以外增加多一个据点。
- They also speak with these friends, feed a meal to them, inquire after sb's health, such a few children exist really in peremptory life. 他们也同这些朋友对话,给它们喂饭,嘘寒问暖,俨然生活中真存在这样一些小朋友。
- At some point after entering the trance state, you will feel a mild paralysis come over you. 在进入恍惚状态之后的某个时刻,你会感到全身的一种轻度的麻痹。
- Repeat after sb. 跟某人朗读
- Be after sb. 追赶某人;寻找某人[某物]
- Note that you need an exclamation point after the opening bracket, but not before the closing bracket. 要注意感叹号是写在前尖括号之后,而非后尖括号之前。
- The garbage collector calls this method at some point after there are no longer any valid references to the object. 当不再有任何有效的对象引用后,垃圾回收器在某个时间调用此方法。
- The products of PCR werenamed Sa and Sb, of 2.1Kb and 2.3Kb respectively. Sa was inserted in EcoR I andKpn I sites after Sb was cloned in KpnI and PstI multiple cloning sites of the samepUC18 plasmid. 1Kb和2.;3Kb两个片段,经酶切鉴定后,先后插入到pUC18质粒载体上的EcoRI和PstI多克隆位点上,构建了重组质粒pUC-S。
- At some point after that, the host calls the DoPreview method to cause the preview to be displayed. 在此后的某一时间,主机将调用DoPreview方法显示预览。
- Then control jumps to the point after the statement, or block of statements, following the ELSE statement. 然后控制跳到ELSE语句后的语句或语句块之后的点。
- Operations Guide: mouse control, the left mouse button to select the point after point tools necessary to the position. 操作指南:鼠标控制,鼠标左键点要选择的工具后再点需要去的位置。
- You must hit the ball before it reaches its highest point after bounce. You should learn to use short and quick strokes with little backswing. 你必须在球弹起之后到达它的最高点之前击球。你应该学会用小的引拍动作,用短促的爆发力击球。
- The Smoke-free Worksite Initiative has hit a new high point after launching the toolkit. 工具包的推出把“无烟工作场所项目”推向一个新的高峰。
- Rafa Benitez claimed his team deserved more than a point after Anfield endured its third goalless draw of the season. 在无奈接受本赛季他们的第三场0-0平局后,贝尼特斯教练说他的球队不应该只拿1分。
- Ask after sb request information about sb's health 问候某人的健康;问安
- Dempo Sports Club's lead atop the Indian League standings was reduced to one point after the defending champions lost by a solitary goal to East. 卫冕冠军邓波竞技周日以0比1不敌东孟加拉,在印度职业联赛的领先优势缩至1分。