- To cut and spread open and flat, as shrimp. 切开,摊开并铺平,如虾
- The English Channel suddenly became calm and flat. 英吉利海峡突然间变得风平浪静了。
- To cut and spread open and flat,as shrimp. 切开,摊开并铺平,如虾
- He sliced the bread into thin and flat pieces. 他把面包切成薄片。
- To hit with something broad and flat; slap. 拍打用宽而扁平的物体击打;拍击
- Remark the bust point and true the dart. 重新标出胸点并确定省道。
- It is high and flat ground overlooking everything. 它是高地平原可以一览无遗。
- Listen, point and find @Happy New Year! 听并指出并找“Happy New year!”
- Assemblies of bolt, spring washer, and flat washer? 如何表达“螺栓、弹垫、平垫组合件”?
- Listen, point and find @big, heavy@. 听一听,指出并找出“big, heavy”
- The renovated road surface is wide and flat. 重新翻造过的路面,宽阔平整。
- Listen, point and find @went, spoke, ate, saw@. 听,指,并找出“went, spoke, ate, saw”
- Then rake the garden smooth and flat . 最后把花园的土地弄平整。
- Listen, point and find@Sit down! Stand up! 听一听,指一指,找出 Sit down! stand up!
- Guadalcanal's beaches were wide and flat. Guadalcanal的海滨是宽松与贫坦的。
- Listen, point and find @get up, go, have, play@. 听,指出并查找“get up, go, have, play”
- Forehead is broad and flat with a slight furrow. 前额:前额宽而平坦,有轻微的凹槽。
- Listen, point and find @What's your name? 听一听,指一指,找出 What's your name?
- Listen, point and find @east, west@. 听一听,指一指,找出“east, west”
- Listen, point and find @in, on, under@. 听一听,指一指,找出 in; on; under.