- You buy this bookcase in sections and slot them together. 你分组件买这个书橱, 再把它们卡榫对准组合在一起。
- Remark the bust point and true the dart. 重新标出胸点并确定省道。
- Listen, point and find @Happy New Year! 听并指出并找“Happy New year!”
- Listen, point and find @big, heavy@. 听一听,指出并找出“big, heavy”
- Listen, point and find @went, spoke, ate, saw@. 听,指,并找出“went, spoke, ate, saw”
- Listen, point and find@Sit down! Stand up! 听一听,指一指,找出 Sit down! stand up!
- Listen, point and find @get up, go, have, play@. 听,指出并查找“get up, go, have, play”
- Listen, point and find @What's your name? 听一听,指一指,找出 What's your name?
- Listen, point and find @east, west@. 听一听,指一指,找出“east, west”
- Listen, point and find @in, on, under@. 听一听,指一指,找出 in; on; under.
- Listen, point and find @sad, angry, bored@. 听一听,指出并找出“sad, angry, bored”
- Listen, point and find @why, because@. 听一听,指一指,找出“why, because”
- Listen, point and find words ending in @-ed@. 听一听, 指出并找出以“-ed”结尾的单词。
- Boolean indicating whether the slot supports hot-plug of adapter cards. 波尔值表示插槽是否支持适配卡热插入。
- Listen, point and find@How old are you? 听一听,指一指,找出 How old are you?
- Listen, point and find @Have you got... 听,指,并找出“Have you got...”
- Listen, point and find @beautiful... 听一听,指一指,找出“beautiful... ”
- Listen, point and find @did, didn't@. 听一听,指出并找出“did, didn't”。
- Listen, point and find @does, lives@. 听一听, 指出并找出“does, lives”。
- Press the button on the gear leaver and slot into D, release the brake and the car creeps forward. 按下波棍上的按钮,把档把划入D档,松下手刹,车子开始慢慢的向前滑动了。