- Poison of some sort must be operating in her. 一定有什么毒素在对她起作用。
- Unlike the poison of a wasp as we know. 其实那只是用来自我保护的毒液,它并不会渗透人体的皮肤,跟黄蜂的毒液是不同的。
- The poison of the snake is a very potent. 那只蛇的毒很强。
- Studies have been made of reactor powered railway engines and hovercrafts, but these applications are generally regarded as marginal at best. 对核动力铁道机车和汽垫船已做了研究,但这些应用一般被认为,往好里说也是徒劳。
- Suspicion is the poison of true friendship. 猜疑是真诚友谊的一副毒剂。
- Suspicion is the poison of friendship. 猜疑对友谊而言是一种毒药。
- Diffidence is the poison of true friendship. 疑心是友谊的毒药。
- Electrical quantities and equivalent circuit of reactor. 等值电路用一个电抗来表示。
- Diffidence is the poison of friendship. 踌躇是友谊的毒药。
- The temperature model was based on a heat balance of reactor. 温度动力学基于反应器的热量平衡。
- Organic load of reactor with GAC was 2 times larger than t... 并且投加活性炭反应器的有机负荷为不投加的2倍,运行效果更稳定。
- poisoning of reactor 反应堆中毒
- When it Stops - the Food Poisoning of Cafeteria in Schools? 学校集体食堂食物中毒何时休?
- One wonders also why Nature, with some snakes concocted poison of such extreme potency. 人们也不知道大自然为何在一些蛇身上调制出这样高效的毒液来。
- Their wine is the venom of serpents And the cruel poison of cobras. 他们的酒是大蛇的毒液,是虺蛇残害的毒素。
- Their wine is the venom of serpents, the deadly poison of cobras. 他们的酒是大蛇的毒气,是虺蛇残害的恶毒。
- He sucks the poison of asps; The tongue of the viper slays him. 16他必吸虺蛇的毒;蝮蛇的舌头也必杀他。
- Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps. 33他们的酒是大蛇的毒气,是虺蛇残害的恶毒。
- The simplest sort of reactor is no more than a pile of graphite bricks. 最简单的一种反应堆只不过是一堆石墨砾。
- Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps. 他们的酒是大蛇的毒气,是虺蛇残害的恶毒。