- A coarse,poisonous plant(Datura stramonium) having large,trumpet-shaped white or purplish flowers and prickly capsules. 曼陀罗一种粗糙,有毒的植物(曼陀罗曼陀属),有很大的喇叭状白色或紫色的花和带刺的荚
- A coarse, poisonous plant(Datura stramonium) having large, trumpet-shaped white or purplish flowers and prickly capsules. 曼陀罗一种粗糙,有毒的植物(曼陀罗曼陀属),有很大的喇叭状白色或紫色的花和带刺的荚
- Presence of a container near the casualty known to hold or have held poison or a poisonous plant. 在知道了病人中毒以后,拿一个容器放在病人的旁边。
- Extremely poisonous plant (hence the name wolfsbane). The name monkshood comes from the shape of the flowers. 剧毒(因而得名狼毒乌头),舟形乌头这个名字是由于它的花形而来。
- A coarse, poisonous plant(Datura stramonium)having large, trumpet - shaped white or purplish flowers and prickly capsules. 曼陀罗一种粗糙,有毒的植物(曼陀罗曼陀属),有很大的喇叭状白色或紫色的花和带刺的荚
- He has created good trees, and poisonous plants and weeds as well. 他创造了优良的树,同时又创造了有毒的植物和杂草。
- Watch out for dangers, such as spiders, snakes or poisonous plants. 注意躲避危险物,如蜘蛛、蛇或者有毒的植物。
- A coarse,poisonous plant(Datura stramonium)having large,trumpet - shaped white or purplish flowers and prickly capsules. 曼陀罗一种粗糙,有毒的植物(曼陀罗曼陀属),有很大的喇叭状白色或紫色的花和带刺的荚
- The study have shown the appearance for the allelopathy on important poisonous plant Steura chamaejasme L. in the grassland. 研究了草地重要有毒植物狼毒的异株克生作用现象。
- Description: Caterpillars feed on poisonous plant Tylophora ovata. Wingspan ranges from 70 to 80mm. On flight throughout the whole year. 形容:幼虫食用有毒植物娃儿藤;展翅约70至80毫米;全年可见.
- Description: Caterpillars feed on poisonous plant Asclepias curassavica. Wingspan ranges from 60 to 70mm. On flight throughout the whole year. Male has sex pouch in hingwing. 形容:幼虫食用有毒植物马利筋;展翅约60至70毫米;全年可见;雄性蝴蝶的后翅有香鳞袋
- Cyanogenous compounds are poison plant generated polysaccharides,and could cause toxicity when were eaten by human and animals. 氰甙是一种植物内源性有毒糖甙,被人或动物取食后,会引起食物性中毒。
- Watch outfor dangers, such as spiders, snakes or some poisonous plants. 留意像蜘蛛;蛇或有毒植物这样的危险东西.
- Any of several poisonous plants of the genera Conium and Cicuta, such as the poison hemlock. 毒芹属植物几种毒芹属及铁杉属植物中有毒植物的一种,如毒芹
- Description: Caterpillars feed on poisonous plant Toxocarpus wightianus. Wingspan ranges from 80 to 90mm. Sexual dimorphism. On flight throughout the whole year except April and May. 形容:幼虫食用有毒植物弓果藤;展翅约80至90毫米;雌雄二型;除四月和五月外全年可见.
- The plant was growing at an angle. 植物呈一定角度生长。
- The caterpillar feeds on poisonous plants and retains the toxins for protection. 毛虫吸食有毒植物,汲取毒素自卫。
- Any of several poisonous plants of the genera Conium and Cicuta,such as the poison hemlock. 毒芹属植物几种毒芹属及铁杉属植物中有毒植物的一种,如毒芹
- The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke. 机动车的尾部排气管排出有毒的浓烟。
- Through an analysis on the varieties of toxicants we discovered that most of the intoxication are due to organophosphorus pesticides, cyanides, poisonous plants and animals. 毒物种类以有机磷农药、氰化物和有毒动、植物中毒最多见,与欧美等国家比较有显著差别。