- I never know whether Henry is pleased or annoyed; he has a real poker face. 我从不知道亨利是高兴还是烦恼,他总是一本正经的样子。
- He maked a mistake but he is a real poker face. 他犯了错但他却若无其事。
- He wore a poker face during police questioning. 在警察侦讯时,他一直面无表情。
- She concealed her strong emotions behind a poker face. 她一副面孔毫无表情,可其背后却隐藏着强烈的情感。
- Well, then I guess I don't show it. It's good, poker face. 我猜我也没表现出来,很好,始终是一张扑克牌脸。
- He kept his poker face,not even his eyelids stirred. 他脸上毫无表情,甚至脸眼皮也不眨一眨。
- He kept his poker face, not even his eyelids stirred. 他脸上毫无表情,甚至连眼皮也不眨一眨。
- He maintains a poker face and you can't even guess what he's thinking. 他板着面孔,你甚至无法猜测他在想些什么。
- I never know whether my boss likes my work or not -- he is a real poker face! 我从来也不知道我的老板到底喜不喜欢我的工作。他脸上可真是一点表情都没有。
- She came into the office with a poker face without greeting anybody. 她摆著一张扑克脸走进办公室里,不跟任何人打招呼。
- I never know whether my boss likes my work or not - he has a real poker face. 我从来也不知道我的老板到底满不满意我的工作,他脸上可真是一点表情都没有。
- I never know whether my boss likes my work or not--he is a real poker face. 我从不知道我老板是否认可我的工作。
- I never know whether my boss likes my work or not -- he is a real poker face. 我从来不知道我的老板是满意我的工作还是不满意--他总是面无表情.
- He seldom jokes around in the office; instead, he often keeps a poker face. 他在辦公室裡很少輕鬆說笑,相反地,他常常擺一張撲克臉。
- He has the coolest poker face that you never knows what he's thinking. 在投手丘上,他总是很’酷’的表情,没有人知道他心中的想法
- Her face remained expressionless. 她的脸上仍然没有表情。
- I have no idea about whether my boss like my job, he is always keeps a poker face. 我从来也不知道我的老板到底喜不喜欢我的工作。他脸上可真是一点表情都没有。
- People with a “poker face”, whose emotions are hidden by a deadpan expression, are looked upon with suspicion. 那种带着一张“扑克脸孔(喜怒不形于色)”的人,他的情绪隐藏于毫无表情的面容下,会被别人以怀疑的眼光看待。
- Like impassivity, the stern approach requires a poker face but unlike its sister style, motives and technique are made plain from the start. 同冷漠型相似,这种严肃谈判方法要求使用者是面无表情的人,但是所不同的是,从谈判一开始就明确了动机和技巧。
- Day 2 in the first game at 9 seconds left, Adelman was waved off, took the caddy to pass the white towels, table poker face towards the bench seats. 首节比赛还剩2分9秒,被阿德尔曼招手换下,接过球童递过来的白毛巾,表无表情地走向了板凳席。