- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- Most insect do not live in polar region. 大多数的昆虫不在极地地区生存。
- Chinese people regard lotus as an emblem of purity. 中国人把莲花看作是纯洁的象征。
- We must ensure the purity of drinking water. 我们必须确保饮用水的纯净。
- Lenin fought stubbornly for the purity of Marxist theory. 列宁顽强地为维护马克思主义学说的纯洁性而战斗。
- Are there any animals in the polar circles? 南极圈和北极圈内有动物存在吗?
- polarization purity 极化纯度
- Located or found in one of the Polar Regions. 环极的,围绕极地的位于或发现于一个极地区域中的
- It's a soprano of great compass and of great purity. 这是一种音域宽广,高度纯正的女高音。
- Whiteness is emblematic of purity. 白色是纯洁的象征。
- In spite of vigilance a polar bear escape from the zoo. 尽管警戒很严,北极熊还是逃出了动物园。
- The polar region is the habitat of the polar bear. 北极地带为北极熊的栖息地。
- Although they can swim, the polar bears are terrestrial animals. 北极熊虽然会游泳,但也是陆栖动物。
- Something added that lowers value or purity. 掺杂物,杂质能使原物降低成色、纯度的添加物
- In spite of vigilance a polar bear escaped from the zoo. 尽管警戒很严,北极熊还是逃出了动物园。
- The polar bear's habitat is the icy waters of the Arctic. 北极熊的栖息地是冰冷的北极海域。
- The purity in the water supply is very important. 供水的纯净是非常重要的。
- Love and hatred are polar feelings. 爱与恨是完全相反的感情。
- Buddha remains uncompromised, hence his purity. 佛陀保持不妥协,因此他是纯洁的。
- That kind of love defiles its purity simply. 那恋爱本身就是亵渎了爱情的纯洁。