- policemen enforce laws 公安执法
- The power to enforce laws, exact obedience, command, determine, or judge. 权力能够执行法律、规章、命令、决定或判决的力量
- The Harmfulness, Causes and Countermeasures for Localism and Departmentalism in the Actions of Policemen Enforcing Law 公安执法活动中的地方保护主义部门保护主义的危害成因及对策
- The power to enforce laws,exact obedience,command,determine,or judge. 权力能够执行法律、规章、命令、决定或判决的力量
- Policemen and judges enforce the law. 警察与法官执行法律。
- Whether canonically and appropriately do the tax officials enforce laws and regulations? 您对成都高新区国税局工作人员在执法过程中行为是否规范、政策运用是否得当地满意程度如何?
- Enforce law -- eg. When there is a law, it must be enforced. 有法必执法。
- The government should enforce laws strictly. On the other hand, the public also should develop the good habit of reducing pollution. 政府应严格执法?另一方面?大众也应该培养减少污染的好习惯。
- Tier Three is for governments that fail to make serious efforts to enforce laws against trafficking and to protect victims. 三是对政府层次,不认真执行禁止贩运和保护受害人的法律。
- Food hygiene supervisors shall enforce laws impartially, be loyal to their duties and may not seek personal gain by taking advantage of their office. 食品卫生监督员必须秉公执法,忠于职守,不得利用职权谋取私利。
- From there the charcoal will be shipped to Persian Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia, which enforce laws protecting their own trees. 从那里来的木炭将装船运到象沙特阿拉伯那样的波斯湾国家,而他们执行法律来保护自己的树木。
- We will build up a contingent of judicial personnel who are politically steadfast and professionally competent,have a fine style of work and enforce laws impartially. 建设一支政治坚定、业务精通、作风优良、执法公正的司法队伍。
- In some countries, cyber-criminals are virtually untouchable because authorities lack the technical expertise, resources or will to enforce laws against computer crimes. 在某些国家,网路罪犯几乎无法管控,因为有关当局缺乏专业技术、资源,或者根本没有意愿执法打击电脑犯罪。
- We will build up a contingent of judicial personnel who are politically steadfast and professionally competent, have a fine style of work and enforce laws impartially. 建设一支政治坚定、业务精通、作风优良、执法公正的司法队伍。
- Do the policemen here enforce traffic rules strictly? 这里的警察严格执行交通规则吗?
- If he (she) is indifferent to equal human rights, he (she) will probably make prejudiced or unfair laws or enforce laws and administrate partially even if there are equal laws. 如果他(她)视平等人权是随便,就会制订出偏私而不平等的法律,就偏私而不平等地执法、行政;就算具有平等的法律然执法、行政都是不公正的。
- The enforced law reinforced that forced divorce is forbidden. 实施的法律强化了禁止强迫离婚。
- The bandits laid for the policemen along the road. 匪徒埋伏在路边等着袭击警察。
- The enforced law reinforced thatmforced divorce is forbidden. 实施的法律强化了禁止强迫离婚.
- The enforced law reinforced those forced divorce is forbidden. 实施的全国律法强化了禁止强迫离婚.