- The driver was shot out of the open car as it crashed. 那辆敞篷汽车撞车时把司机抛出车外。
- The real causes of the accident are now in the open. 事故的真正原因现已非常明显。
- The study of the policies of the Soviet government. 克里姆林学,苏联问题研究对苏联政府政策的研究
- She's go to play the opening bar of the sonata. 她准备演奏这支奏鸣曲的开始数小节。
- Many attended the opening of the new sports centre. 很多人参加了新体育中心的开始使用典礼。
- He cut his hand on the edge of the open can. 他的手被罐头开口处割破了。
- policies of the open access 开放获取政策
- The open part of the sore will soon heal up. 疮口即将愈合。
- Part of the open source Emory DCL Java Utilities. 开放源码的Emory DCL Java工具的一部分。
- Sail in and out of the bays not on the open sea. 在港湾内外航行 不在公海上.
- UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Group. UNIX是开放集团的注册商标。
- Out of the open mind comes studiousness. 虚心便能好学。
- The princess attended the opening night of the opera. 公主观看了那歌剧首次演出的夜场。
- The policy of the two blocs was played out. 把世界分为两个集团的政策已经过时了。
- The opening chapter gives a general overview of the subject. 开篇第一章是对主题的概述。
- People are aprovel of policy of the government. 一般老百姓都赞成政府的政策.
- They fiercely attacked the policies of the Labor Government. 他们猛烈攻击工党政府的政策。
- The focus of the Southampton meeting was to call for all scientific and scholarly institutions to adopt an Open Access policy of their own in order to be able to better address researchers locally. 南安普敦会议的重点,是呼吁所有的科学和学术机采用自己的开放近用政策,推广在地的研究者。
- The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was grand. 奥运会的开幕式,场面十分壮阔。
- Now Sarah was listening at the opening of the tent;and he was close beside it. 撒拉这时正在帐篷门口听着,而陌生人就坐在离门不远的地方。