- The usages and customs of polite society. 礼节文明社会的习俗和习惯
- Spitting on the street is just not done in polite society. 在街上吐痰,这在文明社会里是不得体的
- It should be included in the canons of a polite society. 这个应该是文明社会法规中的内容。
- And the word, evacuate, is not uttered in polite society. 而是将他处决,而“evacuate”(即疏散)一字在上流社会中是不便启齿的。
- Bill is a sophisticated man accustomed to polite society. 比尔很老练,习惯了上流社会。
- Mentioning death in polite society is considered morbid unless it's in the context of a lurid murder. 在彬彬有礼的社交场合,提起死亡被认为是可怕的,除非是在叙述一件耸人听闻的谋杀案。
- Branderton had some knowledge of polite society, and broke the momentary silence. 布兰德顿有些上流社会的知识,打破了短暂的沉默。
- Modern English polite society seems to me as corrupt as oonsciousness of culture and absence of honesty can make it. 据我看来,英国现代化上流社会被自命为有文化,但毫无廉耻的人们尽其能事弄到了最腐朽的地步。
- Higgins introduces Eliza to polite society, which accepts that Eliza is a lady, and the professor wins the bet. 希金斯把伊莱扎介绍进上流社会,人人都认为伊莱扎是个淑女,教授的赌打赢了。
- Some dozen years ago she created an uproar in polite society when she openly boasted of distant elvish ancestry. 数年前当她公然吹嘘自己遥远的精灵血统时,她就在上流社会造成了一阵骚动。
- Environmental sensitivity is now as required an attitude in polite society, as is belief in democracy or aversion to nylon. 对环境的敏感现在已成为上流社会的一种必备态度,就如同对民主制度的信奉或是对尼龙的厌恶。
- There was neither a political society, nor a citizen. 这里既没有任何一种政治社团,也没有任何国民。
- Some dozen years ago she created an uproar in polite society when she openly boasted of distant elvish ancestry.The Hon. 数年前当她公然吹嘘遥远的精灵血统时,她就在上流社会造成了一阵骚动。
- Environmental sensitivity is now as required an attitude in polite society as is, say, belief in democracy or aversion to nylon. 环境意识,就如同对民主制度的信奉,或是对尼龙的厌恶,已成为当今上流社会一种必备的态度。
- We live in a polite society. 我们生活在一个文明的社会。
- Many Singaporeans,including the highly-educated and socially-advantaged elites,still routinely display tardy and inconsiderate character traits which would have been frowned upon,if not outright condemned,in a more polite society. 许多新加坡人,包括受高深教育、地位优越的社会精英,仍然积习难改,时时表现出漠视他人感受的举止。若在文明的社会里,这些行为即使不受到直言谴责,至少也是要遭人白眼的。
- Many Singaporeans, including the highly-educated and socially-advantaged elites, still routinely display tardy and inconsiderate character traits which would have been frowned upon, if not outright condemned, in a more polite society. 许多新加坡人,包括受高深教育、地位优越的社会精英,仍然积习难改,时时表现出漠视他人感受的举止。 若在文明的社会里,这些行为即使不受到直言谴责,至少也是要遭人白眼的。
- She couched her refusal in very polite terms. 她用十分委婉的措辞表示拒绝。
- Gentile institutions prevailed, and prior to the establishment of political society. 氏族制度流行而政治社会尚未建立。
- The family then may be called the first model of political societies. 因而,我们不妨认为家庭是政治社会的原始模型。