- Dixon played to popular prejudices to serve his political ends. 狄克逊竭力迎合人们的偏见来为他的政治目的服务。
- The violence used by the local authority for political ends was unacceptable. 地方当局出于政治目而使用暴力是让人无法接受的。
- The Republicans may have co-opted religion for reactionary political ends. 共和党人可能认为宗教有悖于政治目标的达成。
- This house believes that a nation's participation in the Olympic Games should never be manipulated for political ends. 不应该为政治目的操纵参加奥运会。
- A country's legal responsibility toward genuine refugees should not be manipulated for political ends. 一个国家对真正难民所承担的法律责任不应该被政治目的所左右。
- They do not support the die-hards and they,too,want to exploit the contradictions between us and the die-hards for their own political ends. 他们不赞成顽固派,他们也想利用我们同顽固派的矛盾以达其政治上的目的。
- With the hosting of the summer Olympic Games being insidiously exploited for flagrant political ends, it was virtually an undeclared war sneakily waged on China. 当北京主办夏季奥运会被政治阴谋围绕,它实质上是对中国不宣而战。
- Israel at first accused Hamas of exacerbating the crisis for political ends, though foreign aid-workers in the territory say Hamas does not interfere with the power station. 以色列起初指责哈马斯加剧了从政治上解决问题的危险,但是加沙的外国援助专家说,哈马斯没有干涉发电厂。
- For 20 years Polish and Ukrainian leaders have worked hard to accentuate their countries' shared history and common tragedy, rather than stoke disagreements for political ends. 20年来,波兰和乌克兰的领导人努力强调两国共有的历史和灾难,而不是为政治目产生的巨大分歧。
- Nehru expected to get American aid but not at the cost of open join to the west camp and abandon the policy of neutralism. However,American government was confident that it could achieve the political ends by economic means. 尼赫鲁拒绝放弃中立主义政策 ,不愿以公开加入西方冷战集团为代价换取美国的经济援助 ,而美国则自信可以经济手段达到其政治目的。
- Human rights has become for some people, I mention in particular Mr.Robert Menard, a sort of crusade and the excuse for all sorts irresponsible agitation undertaken for political ends. 所谓人权,对某些人来说是圣战的号角,和一切有政治目的不负责任的煽动的盾牌,比如说对于罗伯特.;梅纳尔(“无疆界记者”组织主席)。
- On the question of slavery, the kind and psychologically gentle Higginson came to believe in the use of violence for political ends, preferring “unwise zeal” to “fastidious inaction”. 在奴隶制的问题上,本性温和仁慈的希金森开始相信使用暴力来解决政治问题,相比于“挑三拣四的无所作为”,他更倾向于“不理智的热忱”。
- Therefore, against the particular historical background, what one witnessed was the constant reinvention of the discourse of individualism so that it could serve the desired political end. 就这样,在特定的历史背景下,论者为了使其服务于特定的政治目的,不断地对个人主义话语进行着再创造。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- That book ends with a summary and its conclusion. 那本书的结尾是概要和结论。
- His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相当极端。
- An empty stomach is not a good political adviser. 空肚子不是政治上的好顾问。
- Still the loose ends of the war need to be tied up. 战后尚未解决的一些零星问题仍然需要完成。
- He maintains a rigidly right-wing political stance. 他坚持僵硬的右派政治立场。