- He rushed into the campaign without any political experience. 他毫无政治经验就去参加竞选运动。
- He rushed into the campaign without any political experience . 他毫无政治经验就去参加竞选运动。
- He felt that far more political experience was needed for working so delicate a system. 他认为实行这种严密的制度,还需要更多的政治经验。
- Mr Correa's political experience is limited to striking radical poses rather than engaging in the art of the possible. 科雷亚先生的政治经验仅限于摆出激进姿态而不是以可能的技巧接触。
- Mr Ayalon's political experience consists of only 14 months as a Labour parliamentarian. 作为鹰派人物的巴拉克,并不认为巴勒斯坦问题可以得到和平解决。
- His political experiences are honest and transparent. 他执政刚正不阿,光明磊落。
- Mr Barak was prime minister from 1999 to 2001;Mr Ayalon's political experience consists of only 14 months as a Labour parliamentarian. 巴拉克倒是在1999年至2001年间担任过总理一职,而阿亚龙的政治经验只有担任工党议员的短短14月。
- We try to analyze the formation of Emmeline Pankhurst's radical thought through understanding her background of growth and her political experience. 她的激进思想的形成与她的成长背景和早期政治经历密切相关:童年的家庭教育和成长环境奠定了她激进思想的基础;
- As well as having plenty of political experience, he is an engaging man who likes nothing better than charming a roomful of voters. 随着政坛阅历不断丰富,这个富有吸引力的男人,对他物毫不眷恋,只钟爱满仓的选票。
- The expression of Qin Guan"s poets was straight while his ci-poets were deep and euphemistic, inputting the political experience in the outer of love. 诗多直抒胸臆,词则多借男女恋情抒发感慨,“将身世之感打并入艳情”,更为婉曲深沉。
- His life-story loomed large because the dashing former trial lawyer was short of both substance and political experience. 这位冲劲十足的前法庭律师的个人奋斗史由于欠缺资历和政府经验而罩上阴影。
- Obama said Hillary Clinton will galvanize Republicans. But Clinton said she has the political experience necessary to withstand a tough national campaign. 奥巴马说:“我认为,要是我们继续吸引那些一直不投票的选民,年轻选民和独立选民,以及那些对共和党失望的选民,这样我们就会做得很好。”
- The young Saad, just 35, has no political experience at all -- he was running his billionaire father's company in Saudi Arabia when he was suddenly pitchforked into this new life. 萨阿德很年轻,只有三十五岁,没有任何从政经验。他正忙于经营富有的父亲在沙特阿拉伯的一家公司,现在被强行拉过来开始他的政治生活。
- Jose Barria, with thirty years of party political experience, is a rising star ot Panama politics. 有卅年政党经历的郑道华,是颇为瞩目的华裔政坛新星。
- The Arabs had little political aptitude and no political experience, and this great empire with its capital now at Damascus, which stretched from Spain to China, was destined to break up very speedily. 阿拉伯人既没政治才能,也缺乏政治经验,此刻定都在大马士革的这个庞大帝国从西班牙一直延伸到中国,注定要迅速瓦解。
- Though losing to Mitterand in 1981 and 1988, Chiracs political experience was well-rounded, having already become Minister of Agriculture in 1972 and Premier in 1974, and serving as Mayor of Paris from 1977 to 1995. 但是他从政经历完整,1972年就已经是农业部长,1974年是法国总理(季斯卡),1977年起至1995是巴黎市长。
- Lee Kuan Yew over 80, many political experience, but their success may be hidden behind what..Because if opponents are vulnerable and lonely?Or brought by the courage of self-confidence? 李光耀80多了,有很多政治经历,但是其成功背后或许隐藏着什麽..,是因为对手仿佛都不堪一击而寂寞?
- With the development of domestic situation and the variation of world situation, Deng Xiaopings perspective, rich political experience and excellent leadership art are increasingly demonstrated. 随着国内局势的发展和国际局势的变化,越来越显示出邓小平的远见卓识、丰富的政治经验以及高超的领导艺术。
- From the Trinidadian point of view, the carnival reflects the social and political experiences of Afro-Caribbean people in Britain. 群众随著演员们的节奏和动作一起打著节拍,一起舞动著。台上演员们无不倾情融入表演。
- The young Saad, just 35, has no political experience at all -- he was running his billionaire father's company in Saudi Arabia when he was suddenly pitch forked into this new life. 萨阿德很年轻,只有三十五岁,没有任何从政经验。他正忙于经营富有的父亲在沙特阿拉伯的一家公司,现在被强行拉过来开始他的政治 生活。