- Political factor had deeply insinuated into any aspects of his life. 政治因素已经深深的渗入了他人生的各个方面。
- A combination of geographic and political factors relating to or influencing a nation or region. 政治地缘有关或影响一个国家或地区的地理和政治因素
- Polycentricity is a dynamic concept related to geographical, social-economical and political factors. 多中心是一个涉及地理、经济社会、政治或行政等多个方面的动态的概念。
- Abstract:Polycentricity is a dynamic concept related to geographical, social-economical and political factors. 摘要:多中心是一个涉及地理、经济社会、政治或行政等多个方面的动态的概念。
- Abstract: To a certain extent, the development of literature is closely allied to political factors. 文学的发展在一定程度上与某些政治因素有着密切的关联。
- The estimated effects are not undermined by including controls for a wide variety of competing economic, demographic, political factors. 评估的结果并不是由经济、统计人口学或政治因素决定的。
- Reasons for Chiracs distancing himself from Taiwan, besides the China factor and lack of understanding of Taiwan, include internal political factors. 席哈克对台湾的疏远除了中国的因素及对台湾的不瞭解之外,还有内政因素。
- As political factors permeate, its reasonability is subjected to questioning, which can be explained in higher assessment and lower assessment. 政治因素的渗入,其合理性受到人们的质疑,这可以从高评和低评两种情形中得到解释。
- Not only is energy an elementary investment on economy but it is gradually a political factor with features of power. 能源不仅是一种基本的经济投入,也正在逐渐成为具有权利特征的政治要素。
- In France, due to influence of eightieth century enlightenment the French philosophy in ninetieth century had apparent political factors. 在法国,由于受到18世纪启蒙运动的深刻影响,19世纪的法国哲学从一开始就带有明显的社会政治色彩。
- We can easily see that many Taiwanese people have mixed in many political factors in their understanding and debate of referendums. 从这件事情可以看出,许多台湾民众对公民投票的理解与争议其实掺杂了蛮多政治性的解读。
- For the last fifteen years,the relationship between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party has been the decisive political factor in China. 十五年来,国共两党的关系是决定中国政局的因素。
- What were the larger socioeconomic and political factors at work and what impact did these forces have upon how Ukranian residents interpreted the accident? 什麽样的社会经济学因素和政治因素在起作用?而乌克兰居民对于事故的描述又是受到何种外力的影响?
- In the case of ACIR, it's an advocatory agent initiated by Congress, constituted by multiple representative membership, and terminated caused by political factor in 1996. 其中府际关系谘询委员会是由国会所创设、成员具多元背景的政策幕僚机构,但在一九九六遭到终结。
- "Tour of revolution" emerges has its important realistic background, including political factor, market factor, humanities factor, natural factor and so on. 红色旅游的兴起有其重要的现实背景,包括政治因素、市场因素、人文因素和自然因素等。
- The internal interconnection between economy and politics in real life determines the indispensableness of political factors in economic research. 现实生活中经济与政治的内在关联决定了经济研究中政治的因素不可或缺。
- The factors that influence the youth farmers' political participation include ecomonic factors, politic factors, and culture factors. 影响青年农民政治参与的因素包括经济因素、政治因素和文化因素。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相当极端。