- In political field,economic and political elite influence and infiltrate into each other. 在政治领域 ,经济精英与政治精英相互影响 ,相互渗透。
- To obtain tangible results in the French political field, Mr. Laval now went on a three days' visit to Moscow. 为了在法国政治舞台上取得确实的成果,赖伐尔先生到莫斯科进行为期三日的访问。
- Foreword: Summary of the current study situation of Caesar, especially in political field. 引言部分:概述了有关恺撒社会改革方面的国内外研究现状,说明了该文的研究目的和意义。
- In the political field, Mao Zedong's policy orientation combats bureaucratism, implements the thorough mass line. 在政治领域,毛泽东的政策取向是反对官僚主义,实行彻底的群众路线。
- The Western deliberative democratic theory indicates the new phenomenon in the contemporary political field. 西方协商民主理论展示了当代社会政治领域的新气象。
- As an essentially traditional intellectual, Wen thirsted for success in political field. 从本质上说,温庭筠是一个传统文人,具有强烈的功名意识和预世精神。
- The phenomenon of power abusiveness in today's political field is the inevitable result because there is lack of ethics in some power and instituteion in our country. 摘要政治领域中的权力失范现象是我国现行有关权力制度中的伦理缺失的必然结果;
- It is said in the commentary that Japanese Present Government's this kind “the superficiality, the muddled political field of vision will certainly to incur the self-isolation”. 评论说,日本现政府的这种“短视的、糊涂的政治视野必将招致自我孤立”。
- The border of the social field and political field is not fixed.Instead, the scope of both activities is flexible: the border of social field may become political. 摘要社会领域与政治领域的边界不是固定不变的,两者的活动范围是有弹性的和可以伸缩的,社会领域的边界,有可能成为政治领域的边界。
- Many solutions can be provided in the political field and, since China is still at the very beginning of its motorization process, policies could be easily implemented. 最后,文本结合中国国情,提出了积极的政策性建议,以解决汽车数量大幅增长可能带来的经济和环境的危害。
- Award of plan of current general benefit has two reward the report that gave sexes of pair of American political field scandal, two groups of reports let party lose an official nonofficeholding. 本届普利策奖有两个奖项给了对美国政坛性丑闻的报道,两组报道都让当事人丢官下台。
- The controversy round transgenic crops is not only in scientific and technologic fields, but also in the economic and political fields. 围绕转基因作物的斗争已不仅是科学技术之争,已发展到经济领域,甚至政治领域的斗争。
- The field artillery pounded away at the for tress. 野战炮兵连续炮击那座要塞。
- The system is an adjustor which embodies,adjusts and deals with various relationships in politics field,the Administrative Sanction System also take those rules. 制度是体现、调整和处理政治领域中各种关系的调节器,处分制度作为其一也不例外。
- Until modern society, the people sovereign right idea become the leading factor in west politics field and is affirmed by west constitutional government system. 直到近代社会,人民主权理念才真正成为西方政治领域的主导理念,为西方宪政制度所确认。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- The riot can be considered a symptom of political instability. 这次暴动可看作是政治上不稳定的征兆。
- His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相当极端。
- The crowd cheered as the teams entered the field. 球队入场时观众们为之欢呼。
- An empty stomach is not a good political adviser. 空肚子不是政治上的好顾问。