- Everyone looked to the political instructor to say something. 大家都指望政治指导员能讲几句话。
- The political instructor treats newly recruited soldiers like brothers. 教导员像大哥哥一样关心着新兵。
- A company political instructor, for instance, should learn how to do his job competently. 比如连队指导员,要在苦练中学会当好指导员。
- A company political instructor,for instance,should learn how to do his job competently. 比如连队指导员,要在苦练中学会当好指导员。
- And how can a company commander or political instructor be considered capable if he doesn't know all his men well? 一个连长、一个指导员,不知道每一个兵的情况,当什么连长、指导员!
- As his political instructor, I think Mr. Xiao is well qualified for the position he seeks. 我是他的政治辅导员,我认为他完全能够胜任应聘的工作。
- The political commissar, political director and political instructor are organizers of the day-to-day work of the Party committees (Party branches) and leaders of political work. 政治委员、政治教导员、政治指导员是党委、支部日常工作的组织者,是政治工作的领导者。
- Battalion political instructors? 合格的营教导员有多少?
- How many are the battalion political instructors? 合格的营教导员有多少?
- Nov: Drafted into army. First goes to tank school in Zabaikal military Okrug; then is a political instructor in tank company. 应征入伍,第一次去坦克学校,然后去坦克工厂当政治教导员。
- Wrote a letter to my girl-friend and posted it to her. At 4 p.m. visited our political instructor at the Hua San Hospital. 给女朋友写信并交寄,下午4点去华山医院探望我们的政治指导员。
- Perhaps we should assign comrades who are somewhat older to the post of company political instructor, and keep them in that position somewhat longer than is usual now. 可以考虑连队指导员的年龄稍微大一点,任职时间稍微长一点。
- Army men working in the company, from the battalion leader to the political instructor, the amanuensis, and cooks, all were in an excited mood. 部队在我们学生连工作的同志,从营长到教导员,到文书、炊事员,人人心情激动。
- The political commissar,political director and political instructor are organizers of the day-to-day work of the Party committees (Party branches) and leaders of political work. 政治委员、政治教导员、政治指导员是党委、支部日常工作的组织者,是政治工作的领导者。
- Perhaps we should assign comrades who are somewhat older to the post of company political instructor,and keep them in that position somewhat longer than is usual now. 可以考虑连队指导员的年龄稍微大一点,任职时间稍微长一点。
- How many qualified company political instructors do we have now? 现在合格的连指导员有多少?
- Without hard training, when problems crop up, a company commander or political instructor will not know how to deal with them and may even do things that aggravate the contradictions. 否则问题明明出来了,连长不懂得怎么搞,指导员不懂得怎么搞,甚至还会使矛盾激化。
- Without hard training,when problems crop up,a company commander or political instructor will not know how to deal with them and may even do things that aggravate the contradictions. 否则问题明明出来了,连长不懂得怎么搞,指导员不懂得怎么搞,甚至还会使矛盾激化。
- The political leader system stipulates that a political commissar shall be appointed to a unit at or above the regiment level,a political director to a battalion,and a political instructor to acompany. 政治首长制度规定,军队团级以上部队和单位设立政治委员,营设立政治教导员,连设立政治指导员。
- The political leader system stipulates that a political commissar shall be appointed to a unit at or above the regiment level, a political director to a battalion, and a political instructor to acompany. 政治首长制度规定,军队团级以上部队和单位设立政治委员,营设立政治教导员,连设立政治指导员;