- A Hard Look at Political Reform in the Arab World? 阿拉伯世界的政治改革:新的骚动?
- Why the Political Reform Should not be Postponed? 政治体制改革为何不能缓行?
- Salvation lay in political reform. 出路在于政治改革。
- A group of breakaway political reformers. 一群主张分裂的政治改革家
- He is unlikely to introduce sweeping new political reforms. 他不太可能进行全面的政治改革。
- An impractical, idealistic scheme for social and political reform. 不实际的,理想的社会和政治改良计划
- One who opposes intellectual advancement and political reform. 灭亡、蒙昧主义者反对用智慧获得进步和政治变革的人
- An impractical,idealistic scheme for social and political reform. 不实际的,理想的社会和政治改良计划
- This year, the government promised political reforms and crime control. 今年,政府承诺进行政治改革同时打击犯罪。
- Communism doesn't end with economic and political reform. 共产主义不会因政治经济改革而消亡。
- He felt out the neighbours on the subject of local political reform. 他摸清了邻居们对地方政治改革的意见。
- Solutions for threatening situations tend to be doled out in formulaic economic and political reforms. 可能国际组织一直不明白,通过操纵的方式永远不能带来和平。
- The president says "hopeful" political reforms are already taking hold from Morocco to Jordan to Bahrain. 布什总统说,从摩洛哥到约旦、巴林,“有希望的”政治改革已经在形成气候。
- Anyone expecting sweeping political reforms to follow Prime Minster Noboru Takeshita's resignation is in for disappointment. 任何人寄望竹下登首相辞职以后政治上会有全盘改革,一定会感到失望。
- So in the final analysis,the success of all our other reforms depends on the success of the political reform. 从这个角度来讲,我们所有的改革最终能不能成功,还是决定于政治体制的改革。
- With eight hundred million people remaining in the rural, inland China, drastic political reforms would be very difficult, or even treacherous. 在农村和内地仍有八亿人口的情况下,要进行剧烈的政治改革是很困难的,甚至潜藏不测。
- We cannot afford not to be interested in the progress of its uncharted, incremental economic and political reforms, and we must want them to succeed. 我们承担不起忽略中国不明朗的渐进式政治经济改革的进步。
- Just as ominously, Mr Erdogan's claim that he will continue with political reforms, regardless of what happens over the EU, is beginning to look shaky. 当埃尔多安宣布无论欧盟将会作何反应,他将继续政治改革时,这可能对于他未来的政治发展是一个不详的预示,因为这很有可能成为失败的导火索。
- In order to complete his political reforms, he let the boys in Athens, the annual festival on the Muses and recite the prayer of his poetry. 为了完成他的政治改革,他让雅典的男孩在每年的节日上祈祷缪斯和朗诵他的诗 。
- On July 12th, a newspaper in the city also published an astonishing article comparing China's political reforms unfavourably with Vietnam's. 在7月12日,该市的一家报纸还发表了一篇惊人的文章,和越南相比较中国政治改革的弊端。