- This decision should also be taken in the light of the prevailing political context. 这种决定还要考虑主要政治背景。
- "The passions are genuine, but they should be seen as part of the political context. 他表示:“这种感情是真实的,但应该把它放在政治背景下来看待。
- In the changed political context, India should come forward to assist Nepal in a big way and show greater magnanimity, the PM said assertively. 在变化了的政治背景下,印度应当大规模地帮助尼泊尔并表现出更大的宽宏大量。总理肯定地说。
- The 'discursive practices' of knowledge are not independent of the objects that are studied, and must be understood in their social and political context. 知识的“话语实践”并不独立于他们所研究的对象,并且必须从它们的社会和政治背景去理解。
- Within the "unmoral" political context, it was difficult for the literature to express in a normal way.Though possible, the writings would risk being rejected by most of the readers. 在一个“非常态”的政治语境下,要在文学中追求“常态”的表达,不仅难以做到,即使做到了,这样的作品也许很难获得最广大的读者。
- From what we are hearing and in the current political context, Petter should be released once he has appeared before the judge, but of course you never know so we will have to wait to be sure. 从我们听到的和在当前的政治背景下,彼特应该被释放,一旦他出现在法官面前,但当然,你永远不知道,所以我们必须等待可以肯定的。
- Mr.Black bowed out of politics due to poor health. 布莱克先生由于健康不佳而退出政治生涯。
- It has come within the range of practical politics. 这就属于可实施性政治的范围了。
- She plays an active part in local politics. 她积极参与地方政治活动。
- He has serious aspirations to a career in politics. 他有从政的雄心壮志。
- The old man decided not to mix in politics. 那位老人决定不参与政治。
- This letter does not pertain to politics. 这封信的内容与政治无关。
- No doubt her death is related to politics. 她的死无疑和政治有关。
- Any mention of politics is taboo in his house. 在他家里一提政治就犯忌。
- He quitted the stage of politics. 他退出了政治舞台。
- Must you drag politics into everything? 你非得事事都把政治扯进来吗?
- We had long debates at college about politics. 我们上大学时曾长时间地辩论政治问题。
- By examining them in real political contexts, it aims to clarify their essential elements and evaluate their respective strengths and limitations. 通过在真实的政治语境中对它们加以考察,本论文旨在澄清它们的要点,并评价它们各自的长处及局限。
- Politics has always interested me. 我一直对政治学有兴趣。
- We've been having friendly argument on politics. 我们一直就政治问题进行友好的讨论。