- Keywords polymer science experiment;flexible experiment course;modularized experiment;interact teaching; 高分子科学实验;柔性实验课程;模块实验;互动式教学;
- polymer science experiment 高分子科学实验
- PhD in Polymer Science, Polymer Chemistry. 聚合化学专业博士。
- I did a science experiment and exercised yesterday. 昨天我做了一个科学实验;还锻炼了.
- L.H. Sperling, Introduction To Physical Polymer Science, (2001). 田祯二、川上雄资、薛敬和;高分子设计;日刊工业新闻社;民国92&%2363886;.
- We need to maintain a watch over the science experiment. 为了科学实验,我们需要彻夜不眠。
- The funding programs on polymer science have been brie fly introduced. 对近期国家自然科学基金化学科学部高分子科学学科的基金资助情况进行简要介绍。
- Hu BH, Chen WD, Lin JH. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 1993,11(3). 胡炳环林金火.;漆酚铝螯合聚合物的合成研究[J]
- Polymer science experiments 高分子科学实验
- The term condensation is now firmly entrenched in the literature of polymer science. 缩合这个术语,现在在聚合物科学文献中已牢固的确定。
- S.L.Cooper.Properties of linear elastomeric polyurethanes[J].Journal of Applied Polymer Science,1966,10(12):1837. 谭树松.;形状记忆合金研究的最新进展及应用[J]
- P.B.Messersmith, E.P.Giannelis, Journal of Polymer Science Part A: polymer Chemistry, 33, 1047, (1995). 乐文礼,“聚醯亚胺奈米矽氧复合材料选择性封装之研究”,国立成功大学化学工程研究所硕士论文;(2002).
- He received his PhD in polymer science on structure-property relationships from University of Akron in 1981. 李宁成博士于1981年在美国阿克伦城大学获得结构-性质关系聚合体科学博士学位。
- Standard text-books of polymer sciences contain tables of Q-e values. 聚合物科学的规范教科书中有一些Q-e值表格。
- The right equipment, however, is currently limited to the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). 然而,那个合适的设备就是当前装载在火星轨道勘测卫星(MRO)上进行科学实验的高清晰摄像机。
- N. Hasegawa, H. Okamoto, M. Kawasumi, A. Usuki, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 74, pp.3359, 1999. 马振基,奈米材料科技原理与应用,全华科技图书,民国九十三年。
- Pinnavaia T. J.,Beall G. W. ,“Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites”,Wiley Series in Polymer Science,2000. 蔡宗燕,奈米黏土-高分子复合材料之发展与应用,材料奈米技术专刊,2001
- Some examples are given to p rove that taking advantage of″ the most favorable condition of measurement″ can make relative error minimal in science experiment. 在科学实验中,利用测量最有利条件,可使实验结果的相对误差最小。
- Later this year, the$8- billion science experiment known as the Large Hadron Collider( LHC) will start uncovering clues to some of the biggest mysteries in physics. 今年晚些时候,这项耗资八十亿美元、为大型强子对撞机(HC)科学实验将开始陆续发现物理学史上几个最难解之谜的线索。
- Hideki Shirakawa, born August 1936, is a famous chemist in the Polymer Science and Distinguished Professor of Tsukuba University in Japan. 白川英树,生于1936年8月,日本著名高分子化学家,现任:日本学士院院士、(国立)筑波大学名誉教授。