- polymer substrate materials 聚合物基板材料
- By using the catalyst pyrolysis method, the carbon nanotube film was prepared on the different substrate materials. 摘要采用催化剂高温分解法,在矽片上成功地制备了碳纳米管薄膜。
- PCB materials, including flexible PCB, CCL, PI film, negative film and other substrate materials. 印刷电路板材料:软性电路板、铜箔基板、PI薄膜、底片等基材。
- Dynamic properties of printed circuit board assembly under drop impact were investigated when viscoelastic property of substrate materials was considered. 摘要从黏弹性角度研究电路板组件跌落冲击作用下的动力学特性。
- Push device is firm,good distance for changing substrate material. 该推动装置设计坚固,推动距离大,方便基材料的穿越。
- During the heat pressing, the surface of PE forms different surface topographies because of different substrate materials. 而聚乙烯在热压过程中,其表面会由于不同的基底材料而形成不同的附生结晶层,从而具有不同的表面形貌。
- However the effect can be reduced by cooling resonator mirrors, adopting new mirror substrate materials, improving the reflective rate of mirror and arranging mirror tilt. 通过腔镜冷却、改善腔镜材料、增大反射率以及适当调节腔镜倾斜方向可改善非均匀增益对模场的影响。
- The ability of pollution purification by four kinds of substrate materials(soil,vermiculite,cinder and detritus)in pots as simulated subsurface constructed wetlands was studied. 采用盆栽试验模拟潜流型人工湿地,研究了土壤、蛭石、煤渣和碎石四种人工湿地基质不同组合净化养猪场污水的能力。
- In this work, we utilized a cone and plate type rheometer to assess the adhesive force between bovine carotid arteries endothelial cells and substrate materials. 摘要在此研究中,我们使用锥与盘型之流变仪,来评估牛颈动脉内皮细胞对基材之附著能力。
- To sand flat edges or complex profiles, whether solid veneer or substrate material. 砂光平面边部或剖面,实木单板或基材。
- At the same time, the adsorption mechanism of hydroxyapatite and its application as the substrate material are introduced particularly. 重点介绍了羟基磷灰石的吸附机理及其在分离与提纯领域中的基本应用。
- We found out to deposite AlN thin films in the different substrate, the substrate material is major factor to influence the field emission. 在不同基底上沉积的AlN薄膜,其基底材料是影响场发射特性的重要因素。
- Nolter S D,et al .Glass J T,The effect of substrate material on bias - enhanced diamond nucleation[J].Diamond and Related Material.1994,3(1):1188. 陈志清;等.;钢基底上预镀中间层沉积金刚石薄膜[J]
- The nickle deposition by striking current,as basic layer,can improve the bonding force between the substrate material and the deposition layers. 以冲击镍做过渡层提高基体材料与镀层的结合力;
- When the superconducting Niobium stannide Nb_3Sn was produced by vapor-deposited process, Hastelloy B alloy was selected usually as the substrate material. 气相沉积法制备Nb_3Sn超导带,通常选用Hastelloy B合金作基带材料。
- Process review shows that the substrate material is the key factor for the carbon films deposition, and the parameters of ion energy, pressure and methane ratio are impotent also. 工艺研究结果表明,衬底材料对制备该新型纳米碳膜具有关键作用,离子能量、工作压力及气氛等工艺因素也具有重要作用。
- A polymer of two or more different monomers. 共聚物一种由两种或多种不同单体构成的聚合物
- Requirements for substrate material of whiteness, evenness, smoothness, surface such as manubacturing planeness, greem good little ink absorption is acceptable. 给求承印物质料的白量、平均量、凹凸量、暗不天强量、裂缝量等理化指标好,伸缩率小,吸不朱性适洋。
- Based on the result of theoretical research the absorption coefficient curve of a substrate material has be ound,which ensure the three-channel BCCD work in the region of X-ray. 通过理论分析,找出了能保证BCCD在X光区工作的衬底材料所应满足的吸收曲线。
- Many natural materials are becoming scarce. 许多天然原料越来越少。