- At species level, the percentage of polymorphic loci (PPL) was 92.77%, the effective number of alleles per locus (Ne) was 1.4636, Nei's gene diversity (H) was 0.2316, and Shannon's information index (I) was 0.4275, respec-tively. 黄檗物种水平的遗传多样性高于种群水平:在物种水平上;多态位点百分率PPL=92.;77%25;有效等位基因数Ne=1
- There are some polymorphic loci in the VDR gene and they are associated with many diseases. 其基因上存在多个多态性位点,并与许多疾病发生有关。
- The ratio of the polymorphic loci was 60% and the average allele number per loci was 1.8. 在物种水平上,多态位点比率为60%25,而平均每个位点的等位基因数为1.;8。
- If using 0.99 and 0.95 criterion, the proportions of polymorphic loci of Taihu N. taihuensis were 18.8% and 12.5%, repectively. 另外分别以最高基因频率小于0.;99和小于0
- The proportion of polymorphic loci and the mean average heterozygosity of the population were 24%and 0.086,respectively. 从实验可见淮河鲤的同工酶系统具有明显的多态性,多态座位比例为24%25,平均杂合度为0.;086。
- Percentage of polymorphic loci and average homozygosity of microsatellite DNA were higher than those obtained by biochemistry marker analysis. 两种方法测得的平均有效等位基因数趋于一致,微卫星DNA的多态位点百分率和平均杂合度均明显高于生化标记方法。
- PCR-based procedures were used to identify homozygous deletion of GSTT1 and GSTM1 genes and two polymorphic loci (A1578G, C2293T) in GSTP1 gene. 本研究采用PCR及PCR-RFLP方法对GSTT1,GSTM1的缺失多态性以及GSTP1基因的两个位点A1578G和C2293T的多态性进行了分析。
- A total of 98 DNA fragments were scored from the 11 ISSR primers and 66.33% percentages of polymorphic loci (PPL) was found. 从65个随机引物中筛选出11个有效引物,共产生98条DNA片段,其中68条为多态性条带,多态位点百分率(PPL)为66.;33%25。
- The percentages of polymorphic loci of Xinjiang population and Czech population were 28.57% and 21.43% respectively,the mean heterozygosity were 0.0619 and 0.0357 respectively. 我国新疆丁?群体多态位点比例为28.;57%25;比捷克丁?群体高(21
- Genetic diversity of five Yunnan populations, Dai, Wa, Lahu, Tibetan and Han were studied in this research with mtDNA, Y-DNA and 3 autosomal STR polymorphic loci. 本研究对傣、佤、拉祜、藏和汉5个群体进行了mtDNA、Y染色体DNA多态性分析,并对3个常染色体STR位点的等位基因频率分布作了初步分析。
- LDH and MDH isozymes were controlled by 2 and 4 polymorphic loci respectively.GOT isozymes was under control of 2 polymorphic loci and 2 monomorphic loci. LDH和MDH三种同工酶的遗传表达稳定,分别受4个、2个和4个位点控制。
- Results showed that 189 DNA bands were amplfied with 22 random primers,of which 143 were polymorphic.An average proportion of polymorphic loci was 75. 66%. 结果显示,22个引物共扩增出189条DNA条带,其中143条表现出多态性,占总带数的75.66%25。
- The taxpayer do not have locus stand in this court. 该纳税人没有在法庭上的陈述权。
- Eighty-seven loci were detected using sixteen 10 bp random primers,of which 49 were exhibited polymorphism. The average percentage of polymorphic loci(PPL) was 30.2%,while that of polymorphic loci(PPL) was 56.3%. 16个10 bp寡核苷酸引物共检测到87个位点;多态位点49个;多态百分率56.;3%25;而居群平均多态位点百分率为30
- The mean percentages of polymorphic loci of four populations were 31.82%(Zhejiang Population), 29.55%(Canada Population), 31.82%(Mexico Bay Scallop Population) and 28.79%(American F2 Population) respectively. 4个群体的多态位点比例分别为浙江31.;82%25、加拿大29
- Government is the locus of power. 政府是权力的中心。
- polymorphic locus 多形位点
- high polymorphic locus 高度多态性位点
- The results showed that in the population of Grassland Red Cattle, the polymorphism information content (PIC) in ETH225,IDVGA2,IDVGA46 and IDVGA44 were 0.542 0, 0.673 6, 0.521 8 and (0.575 0) respectively. These loci were high polymorphic loci. 结果表明:在草原红牛中;ETH225;IDVGA2;IDVGA46;IDVGA44多态信息含量分别为0.;542 0;0
- The locus E of points is an ellipsoid. 点的轨迹E是一个椭球。