- polyvinyl alcohol fixative 聚乙烯醇固定液
- This thesis is based on polyvinyl alcohol fibers (vinylon) reinforced mortar. 本文以聚乙烯醇纤维(即维纶)增强砂浆为基础进行研究。
- The polyvinyl acetate and polyvinyl alcohol used are ideal restoring materials obtained by numberless screening. 聚醋酸乙烯和聚乙烯醇是经过无数次筛选的理想修补材料。
- The dichroic agent is polymetric iodine formed by impregnating an intially transparent plastic sheet of polyvinyl alcohol with iodine and heating. 其二向色剂是聚合磺,它是将透明的聚己烯醇塑料薄片在磺内浸渍后加热制成的。
- The preparation and the properties of polyvinyl alcohol spilled oil gelling agents on water surface. 聚乙烯醇系水面溢油凝油剂的制备与性能。
- The new usage of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) in many industrial fields in recent years are presented. 摘要介绍了近年来聚乙烯醇产品在各个工业领域中的新用途,说明这种化工原料仍有广泛的使用价值。
- Dehydration behavior of polyvinyl alcohol glutaraldehyde hydrogel has been investigated in this paper. 本文对聚乙烯醇-戊二醛水凝胶的脱水行为进行了研究。
- The surfaces of wool single yarn are covered by soluble polyvinyl alcohol using friction spinning. 利用摩擦纺技术将可溶性维纶以一定包覆比包覆于毛单纱表面。
- Simultaneousl change flexility of the resin by introducing the melamine and the polyvinyl alcohol. 同时加入三聚氰胺和聚乙烯醇,以改变树脂的柔韧性。
- S. standards.Company product materials used Carbomer, sodium polyacrylate, polyvinyl alcohol penetration agent. 本公司产品辅料使用了卡波姆、聚丙烯酸钠、聚乙烯醇 促渗剂。
- The result showed that titanate modificator is better than siloxane and PVA (polyvinyl alcohol). 实验表明,钛酸酯的表面修饰效果优于聚乙烯醇和矽氧烷。
- A new adsorbent for Triglyceride(TG) was synthesized by modifying cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol beads with taurine. 以牛磺酸修饰交联聚乙烯醇凝胶合成了吸附剂。
- Preparation of the titled compound by condensation of polyvinyl alcohol with glyoxal was introduced in this paper. 介绍用乙二醛与聚乙烯醇缩合制备缩醛胶的方法。
- The gold-adsorbing property of the amido oximime chelate fiber of carboxylic polyvinyl alcohol is studied. 研究了侧链含羧基的聚乙烯醇胺肟螯合纤维吸附金的性能。
- Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) can be used to produce vinylon,polyvinyl butyral (PVB), and polyvinyl formal. 聚乙烯醇(PVA)可用于生产维纶、聚乙烯醇缩丁醛(PVB)和聚乙烯醇缩甲醛。
- The cross linking modification of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) adhesive was explored by adding diisocyanate (TDI) and borax. 探讨了硼砂和甲苯二异氰酸酯(TDI)对聚乙稀醇(PVA)胶水进行交联改性。
- Title: Effects of Nutrition Condition on Producing Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Degrading Enzyme by Penicillium sp. 关键词:青霉,聚乙烯醇,降解酶,酵母粉,苏氨酸,影响
- Cords and yarns made of polyester, aramid, polyvinyl alcohol, rayon, nylon, etc. 各种织物和线绳由涤纶,芳纶,维纶,人造丝,尼龙等原料制成。
- The conventional method was by the condensation reaction of formaldehyde and polyvinyl alcohol. 常规的制备方法是通过甲醛和聚乙烯醇的缩合反应来实现的。
- Both polyvinyl alcohol water glass and starch adhesives were applied to conglutination of corrugated paper box. 瓦楞纸箱使用两类粘合剂:泡花碱(硅酸钠)和淀粉粘合剂。