- What is the superiority of pond fish farming industry in Hong Kong? In this visit, the history and development of the Deep Bay fishponds will be introduced. 在这次参观鱼塘的活动中,我们会向大家介绍鱼塘在香港的历史和发展,大家并可有机会亲身与渔民接触。
- Voluntary Registration Scheme for Pond Fish Farms 本地塘鱼养殖场登记计划
- pond fish farming 池塘精养
- Fish farming is beginning to be intensified. 渔业生产开始转向集约化。
- A tract of water for raising fish is a fish farm. 一片养鱼的水是鱼塘。
- To try to enjoin another fish farm from going in. 关于阻止其他渔场继续养殖海虱的听证会开庭的。
- There are bright prospects for freshwater fish farming. 淡水养鱼大有可为。
- Oyster beds, on the mudflats, are a form of fish farming. 滩涂牡蛎养殖场是一种水产养殖方式。
- A proud catch for this fish farm worker in southwest France. 法国西南部渔场的工人捕到了这条令其骄傲的大鱼。
- Pond fish culture yielded 2550 tonnes, or 6 per cent, of freshwater fish for local consumption. 年内,塘鱼总产量为2550公吨,占本地淡水鱼消耗量的6%25。
- During the year,pond fish culture yielded 4 500 tonnes,or 10 per cent,of freshwater fish for local consumption. 年内,塘鱼总产量为4500公吨,占本地淡水鱼消耗量的一成。
- Pond fish culture yielded 2550 tonnes,or 6 per cent,of freshwater fish for local consumption. 年内,塘鱼总产量为2550公吨,占本地淡水鱼消耗量的6%25。
- Pond farming is one kind of aquaculture.Other fish farms are connected to sources of free-flowing water -- a lake, river or ocean. 鱼塘是一种水产业,另一种是天然水体--湖,河或海洋。
- Pond fish matured, suckling pigs grown up, fruits being ripe, the workers all get them in hilariously in the harvest time. 在收获的季节,农场职工满怀喜悦,塘鱼丰收了,猪儿长膘了;百果园的荔枝、龙眼、芒果等岭南佳果挂满枝头。
- Operate a temporary Pond Fish Wholesale Market for 12 months. (from 1st April 2003 to 31st March 2004). 营办一个临时塘鱼批发市场12个月(由2003年4月1日至2004年3月31日止)。
- Jackie asks his friend Samo to handle the purchase of the fish farm. 另一方面,龙找夜盗董得彪(元彪)助安装偷听器于叶家,结果被洪所擒。
- During the year, pond fish culture yielded 4 500 tonnes, or 10 per cent, of freshwater fish for local consumption. 年内,塘鱼总产量为4500公吨,占本地淡水鱼消耗量的一成。
- Fisherman catch tons of live carp at a fish farm near Warsaw, Poland. 华沙渔民捕获的数顿鲤鱼正在鱼市上交易。
- Boyd C.E. Water Quality Management for Pond Fish Culture. Elsevier. Scientif ic Publishing company. 1990. 张觉民;何志辉等.;内陆水域渔业自然资源调查手册
- Pretty fishing villages, fish farming, famous rivers and the noble salmon. 美丽的小渔村,闻名的河流,著名的鲑。