- The country abounds in scenic and natural wonders. 这个国家有许多风景优美的自然景观。
- He was a popular and respected teacher. 他是位受人欢迎和尊敬的老师。
- Terry Fox was a popular and hardworking student. 特里·克斯是一位很受欢迎而且学习努力的学生。
- He taught Irene botany and natural history. 他教绮瑞娜认识植物和学习自然史。
- Gradually, docks began to be popular and they could be beautifully decorated. One clock was in the shape of a cart with a horse and a driver. 钟逐渐开始普及,它们可以装饰得很漂亮。有一只钟的形状就是一个车夫赶着马拉车。
- The district abounds in scenic and natural wonders. 这个地区有许多秀丽美景和自然奇观。
- Malaysia is rich in human and natural resources. 马来西亚人材济济,并拥有丰富的天然资源。
- He is very popular and no one has ever lifted a hand against him. 他很得人心,从来没有人伤害过他。
- Where are oil and natural gas found in Britain? 在英国哪里发现了石油和天然气?
- How truly elegant and natural her style is! 她的风格是多么高雅,又多么自然。
- In the 1960s football became more popular and better organised. 1960年,足球在日本更受欢迎和有更好的组织。
- Forest soil seed bank and natural regeneration. 森林土壤种子库与天然更新。
- Following three standards are the most popular and widely applied. 以下的三个标准最为常见,被广泛使用。
- B: I think her feelings are sincere and natural. 我认为她的感情真挚而自然。
- You know this kind of sweater is very popular and sells quickly. 你知道,这种羊毛衫非常流行,卖得也快。
- Chinese Disneyland and natural zoo. (3)游乐园及野生动物园;
- Yukon solitaire is one of the popular and favorite solitaire games. 育空单人纸牌戏是流行的和喜爱的单人纸牌戏游戏之一。
- Her feelings are sincere and natural. 她的感情真挚而自然。
- Lily: Yes. You can see both the popular and the more esoteric. 在巴比肯中心,观众能看到的艺术形式范围之广真是让人吃惊。
- Promotion of essential and natural bacterial flora. 推广必不可少的自然菌群.