- The measure fell in with popular demand. 这项措施符合人民的要求。
- We should cater to popular demand. 我们应满足大众的需要。
- The measure falls in with popular demand. 这一措施符合民众需求。
- This Broadway show was brought back by popular demand. 这出百老汇剧应大众要求而被再次搬上舞台。
- By popular demand, the play will run for another week. 应广大观众要求,这出戏将加演一周。
- By popular demand, the tour has been extended by two weeks. 应大家要求,这次旅游延长了两周。
- More copies of the novel will be issued to answer to the popular demand. 将更多地发行这部小说以满足群众的需要。
- The granddaddy of all gaming mice is back by popular demand. 这个游戏鼠标的前身从普通需求中脱颖而出。
- Small lot and multi fiber blending is now the popular demand for finished yarn. 小批量、种纤维混纺是当前成品纱的需求趋势。
- The popular demand for aromatherapy can be explained by two primary factors. 对芳香疗法流行的需要可以从两个主要方面来解释。
- Alp HouseFondue and Raclet, by popular demand these great winter favorites are here to stay a bit longer. 冬季最受欢迎的奶酪火锅及瑞士烤奶酪将陪伴我们继续抵御严寒。
- Due to popular demand, this programme is held twice every year, in March and October. 由于肝炎在香港比较普遍,因此每年举行两次预防肝炎运动,分别在三月及十月。
- By popular demand, the Netscape 7-style throbber is back. Click on it any time to visit Netscape.com. 开启一个链结于新分页的时候将会给予新的分页同样的流览历程纪录,给予您更佳的浏览体验。
- Due to popular demand, cloaks have been made visible. This will help players customize their characters even more than before. 根据大家的要求披风将会可见,这将对大家定义自己的角色比以前提供更多的方面.
- Thursdays: The old Steak Night is back by popular demand! NT$320 for a New York steak, fries, salad and a Heineken or non alcoholic beverage. 星期四:牛排之夜因热烈迴响又回来啰!纽约客牛排加上薯条,沙拉,一瓶海尼根啤酒或一杯无酒精饮料只要NT%24320!
- Indeed, at the very time that there are clamors about high taxation, the levels of popular demand on government services are growing. 事实上,在争执高赋税的同时,群众对于政府服务的需求正在增长。
- Such a point of view, of course, raises disputable qustions of fact as to the extent to which satisfaction of popular demand is important in the ways indicated. 当然,这种观点,就大众的要求以已指出的方式满足的重要性的范围提出了有争议的事实问题。
- By such methods, the Kuomintang quelled the popular demands for peace throughout the country. 国民党用这种手段把全国人民的和平要求镇压了下去。
- The singer led off with a popular ballad. 歌唱家首先唱了一首流行的民歌。
- The major expanding function has been in providing for cer tain popular demands. 主要扩增的功能是供应某些群众需求。