- He was carried forward on a wave of popular feeling. 他为公众的情绪所推动。
- The old professor made a speech that inflamed popular feeling. 老教授作了激情的讲演。
- WenChuan Earthquake is terrible,but popular feeling is warm. 汶川地震是可怕的,人心却是温暖的!
- Why is affection of some popular feeling abrupt indescribable low mood? 为什么有些人心情会突然莫名其妙的低情绪?
- Diamond, lapidary, deliver the glamour of fetch of be awed popular feeling, detached aesthetic feeling. 钻石、宝石,传递慑人心魂的魅力,超然美感。
- Romance lets popular feeling gallop be charmed, because was far from,be daily blatant. 浪漫之所以让人心驰神往,就是因为远离了日常的喧嚣。
- Mention Yan'an, can evoke the truest love by countless popular feeling and memory. 一提起延安,就会激起无数人心底最真挚的感情和回忆。
- When popular feeling in very irritated when. How can ability remove his trouble? 当人心里很烦的时候.;怎么样才能消除自己的烦恼?
- As a result of sealed, new century is full of a hope to wriggling again already in your popular feeling disturbed. 世界已经站到了二十世纪的末尾。由于未知,新世纪令人心中既充满希望又蠕动着不安。
- Shook socialistic belief, certainly will causes slack of puzzleheaded, popular feeling, our country politics.. 动摇了社会主义信念,势必引起思想混乱、人心涣散,我国政...
- Tangerine a long time, although feel spirited, have warm feeling very much, but overmuch orange, also can make popular feeling repugn irritated. 橘红色多时,虽然感觉生气勃勃,很有暖和的感觉,但是过多的橘色,也会使人心生厌烦。
- Pretend however when popular feeling situation is bad especially happy, this is ambitious, firm, emulative, hypocritical still, incompetent, dare face? 人心情不好的时候却装作特开心,这是要强、坚强、不服输,还是虚伪、无能、不敢面对?
- This makes clear, network thought fors the time being, be in especially video domain, this concept is already thorough popular feeling. 这表明,网络维权,非凡是在视频领域,这个概念已经深入人心。
- Listen to an old person to say, present popular feeling gas is blundering, follow too ambitiously from the ground to matter. I am deep think like that. 听老人说,现在的人心气浮躁,跟住得离地太远大有关系。我深以为然。
- Distinctive crystal clastic rock enchases craft every design likes an artwork, aglimmer glamour burnish, popular feeling chord is touched like diamond. 独特的水晶碎石镶嵌工艺每件设计都如同一件艺术品,闪烁的魅力光泽,钻石般动人心弦。
- Contain in citric skin naturalOil of essence of life, naturally sends out aroma, make popular feeling affection cheerful. 柠檬皮中含有天然的精油,自然地散发香气,使人心情愉悦。
- Mysterious and beautiful Qinghai-Tibet Platean, tanggula makes with her grand and grand scenery popular feeling gallop be charmed. 神秘而漂亮的青藏高原,唐古拉以她宏伟壮观的景色令人心驰神往。
- Do not have self-esteem when a person when, what you give his dignity him won't be cherished, mu Yuxin of the easiest hemp bilks popular feeling in. 当一个人不具备自尊时,你所给予他的尊严他是不会珍惜的,人心最易麻木于信赖之中。
- Depend on a DV, before careless root directors can try to show the ordinary life beside oneself and popular feeling in more person likewise. 凭借一部DV,草根导演们同样可以尝试着将自己身边的平凡生活和大众的喜怒哀乐展现在更多人的眼前。
- "It is domestic disease prevents not thorough popular feeling first, also built flow of perfect database kimono Wu without the company second " . “一则是国内疾病预防并不深入人心,二则也没有公司建立了完善的数据库和服务流程”。