- Population problem is a big problem. 人口问题是个大问题。
- How to Solve Population Problem? 如何解决人口问题?
- Population Dividend or Population Problem? 是人口红利?还是人口问题?
- We are discussing the population problem. 我们正在讨论人口问题。
- I am quite certain that the population problem will be eased. 我肯定人口问题会缓和的。
- The population problem may be the greatest one of the world today. 人口问题可能是当今最大的问题。
- The population problem may be the greatest one of the world. 人口问题可能是当今世界最严重的问题。
- The population problem may be the greatest one in the world today. 设计以下问题让各小组讨论
- She was absorbed with the country's population problem. 她在专心思考国家的人口问题。
- Some have advocated such a procedure as a solution to the population problem. 有些人曾提倡把这一步聚作为解决人口问题的一项办法。
- The basis for an effective solution of population problems is, above all, socioeconomic transformation. 有效地解决人口问题的基础首先是社会经济状况的改变。
- Peng Li said the population problem was one of the major problems currently faced by the international community. 李鹏说,人口问题是当今国际社会面临的重大问题。
- By applying certain threshold levels, 40 countries were identified with the most urgent population problems. 通过用某些限界标准衡量,四十个国家存在着最紧急的人口问题。
- For the Weibull population problem,we make a log transformation and deal the Extreme Value problems. 我们对韦伯母体的处理方式,可以考虑作对数转换,将此问题化成极值分配问题。
- Gates, Buffett and Turner have been quietly worrying about Malthusian population problems for years. 盖茨、巴菲特和特纳多年来一直都在暗自担忧马尔萨斯(Malthus)所提出的人口问题。
- In one word,the serious drought in late 1920s led to the serious population problem in Suiyuan region. 总之,这一时期绥远地区的重大灾荒,引发了严重的人口问题。
- Far more work is necessary upon the economic, social, psychological and population problems out of which so much unfitness arises. 对于造成这么多弊病的经济问题、社会问题、心理问题和人口问题,还需要进行更多的研究工作。
- At this time of increasing global interdependence, all humankind is confronted with new challenges. Such as environmental and population problems. 在这样一个全球日以相互依赖的年代,整个人类面临着诸如环境和人口方面的挑战。
- The last chapter put forward five main population problems in YRD and made the suggestions to promote population development level. 第五章总结长三角地区人口发展的不足,并针对性地提出促进长三角地区人口发展的策略。
- China has only two alternatives in handling its population problem: to implement the family planning policy or to allow blind growth in births. 在中国,处理人口问题只能有两种选择:一是实行计划生育,使得出生的人都能健康成长,生活日益改善;或者盲目生育。