- pore water tension 孔隙水张力
- The pore volumes and the amounts of pore water also may vary considerably in actively expelling source beds. 在排烃作用活跃的烃源岩中,孔隙体积和孔隙水的数量也会发生很大的变化。
- U nderground water consists of Quaternary pore water, bedrock fissure water and ve in fissure water in structure zones. 矿区地下水类型有第四系孔隙水、基岩裂隙水和构造带脉状裂隙水等三类。
- At last, the approximate calculation methods of pore water pressure and flowing pressure are presented. 给出土坡稳定性分析中对孔隙水压力和动水压力的近似计算方法。
- The groundwater is composed of pore water,bedrock fissure water and vein-like fissure water in structural zones. 地下水有孔隙潜水、基岩裂隙水和构造带脉状裂隙水三种类型。
- High variability was found in the interstitial water using a1 cm resolution device. Nitrate was never detected in the pore water. 用1厘米的分辨率在孔隙水中发现了高可变性。在孔隙水中未检测出硝酸盐。
- High variability was found in the interstitial water using a 1 cm resolution device. Nitrate was never detected in the pore water. 用1厘米的分辨率在孔隙水中发现了高可变性。在孔隙水中未检测出硝酸盐。
- Making use of the dilatancy of phosphogypsum,the safety of phosphogypsum dam can be forecasted theoretically by the pore water pressure monitoring system. 利用磷石膏的剪切破坏发生在负孔压的这一特性,理论上可以通过坝体内孔压变化的监测来预测磷石膏坝的安全性。
- Furthermore, an instance of double disk load model was adopted to numerate the spatial and time distribution of pore water pressure. 并选取常用的双圆荷载计算模型,对饱水沥青路面孔隙水压力的空间和时间分布进行计算。
- For Suzhou city of Anhui Province, it is obvious shortage of water city because of overdrafting the middle and deep stratum confined pore water. 摘要安徽省宿州市是以超采中深层承压孔隙水为主的缺水城市。
- It was found that the ionic concentrations in pore water showed obviously anomalous during gas hydrate formation in porous media. 利用不同粒径的多孔介质模拟了海洋天然气水合物的生成过程,测定了孔隙水中主要离子质量浓度的变化。
- The parameter of the pore water pressure and soil pressure are unfitted as the monitoring and forecasting index for bank collapse. 2.;内部孔隙水压力及土压力参数不适合作为崩岸的监测预测指标。
- According to the contents and the origins of organic and carbonic acids in pore water, the formation mechanism of secon... 该研究对于台北凹陷乃至整个盆地侏罗系的油气勘探和开发具有重要的现实意义。
- Burial diagenesis causes a progressive transformation of smectites, the end-products being dependent on PH and pore water chemistry. 埋藏成岩作用可使蒙脱石进一步转化,最终产物决定于PH值及孔隙水的化学性质。
- The results also showed that the relationship between the normalized pore water pressure and the generalized strain fit the bilinear model. 归一化后的孔隙水压力比与广义剪应变之间的关系可以用双曲线表示。
- The authigenic illite in the sandstone reservoir was only formed in the diagenetic phase with mobile K??rich pore water. 砂岩储集层中自生伊利石仅在流动的富钾孔隙水介质环境下才能形成,烃类流体注入储集层后自生伊利石形成便会中止;
- Although an order of magnitude smaller, the pore water pool can supply enough nutrients to build up the macrophyte biomass pool, but only if a fast turnover is attained. 尽管数量级较小,孔隙水池可提供足够的营养来维持大型动植物的生存,但是需要周转得很快。
- On the basis of this, the paper introduce a new style of pore water pressure monitoring system which made by Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering geology Techniques, CGS. 因此我们开始新型孔隙水压力监测系统的研制工作。
- NH4C and o-P concentrations were 35 and 7 times higher, respectively, in the pore water than in the overlying marsh, suggesting a permanent flux of nutrients from the sediments. 孔隙水中的NH4C和o-P浓度比上层湿地水的浓度分别高出35倍和7倍,这表明营养物质稳定地从沉淀物中流出。
- The authors analyse the damages of groundwater on the highway slope in three aspects i. e. pore water pressure, permeable suffusion and rising and falling of groundwater level. 从孔隙水压力、渗透潜蚀、潜水位升降三方面分析地下水对公路边坡土体造成的危害,针对这些危害,提出了解决的措施,一是阻排地表水,防止水流对公路边坡的冲刷及下渗;