- portable polyurethane foam kit 便携式聚氨酯发泡工具
- Polyurethane Foam with a Tricot or Auto-brush or Cloth type top laminate. 聚氨脂泡沫体。
- The results of the tests indicated that latex and polyurethane foam mattresses burned fastest. 试验结果表明,天然乳胶和聚氨基甲酸乙酯泡沫床垫燃烧得最快。
- High resilience polyurethane foam and polyester in seat and back cushions for great seating comfort. 采用高弹性的聚氨酯泡沫材料和聚酯纤维填充,座垫和靠垫更加舒适。
- Seat cushions filled with high-resilient polyurethane foam and polyester fibre wadding provide great seating comfort. 座垫装有高弹聚氨酯泡沫塑料和聚酯纤维填料,坐着非常舒适。
- Tanks are insulated by polyurethane foam with a vapor barrier which provides weather protection. 用聚亚安酯泡沫把储存罐和防止恶劣天气的蒸气屏障隔离开。
- We are looking for Polyurethane foam (open cell) type. If your esteemed company is in position to su... 发布者:谢高峰所在地:山东泰安市行业:精细化学品职位:业务主管工作年限:
- The application actualities and developing trend of rigid polyurethane foam plastics in field works are introduced. 介绍了硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料在野战工事领域应用现状、发展趋势。
- A polyether premix for rigid polyurethane foam was prepared from self made polyether polyol,isopentane,water,etc. 以异戊烷和水为发泡剂,采用自制的聚醚多元醇,研制一种聚氨酯硬泡聚醚组合料。
- In this paper,RDP was used as a single flame retardant of resilience polyurethane foam,and ... 用氧指数仪和民航飞机用垂直燃烧方法测试表征了制备的泡沫样品,并对其阻燃性能进行了研究。
- Adopted the radiation inarching method to develop the radiation inarching polyurethane foam. 采用辐射接枝方法研制成功了辐射接枝型聚氨酯泡沫。
- The hole break of rigid polyurethane foam and the RPU were discussed by analyzing meso structures of RPU. 通过对合成的纯的和增强的硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料(RPU)进行的细观分析,探讨了泡孔的破坏形式和增强相的作用。
- The rigid polyurethane foam has the characters of feeble rigidity incompactness and absorbing blast energy. 硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料具有刚度小、材质松散、易于吸收爆炸能量的特点。
- One kind of the hollow bead reinforced polyurethane foam composite was prepared. 制备出一种空心微珠增强聚氨酯泡沫复合材料。
- The seat measures: W 700 x D 650 x H 750 mm and comes upholstered in molded polyurethane foam covered with fabric. 该椅的尺寸是:长700毫米,宽650毫米,高750毫米。中间为聚氨酯泡沫体填充的软垫。
- The polyurethane foam has found more and more extensive application because of its excellent adiabatic performance. 聚氨酯泡沫由于其优异的绝热性能,获得了越来越广泛的应用。
- Laser confocus scanning microscope was employed to observe structures of CaCO3 filled polyurethane foam. 用激光共聚焦扫描显微镜对其结构进行了研究。
- Polyurethane foam wastes were recycled by alcoholysis with 1,2-propanediol.Polyol and amine compound were gained. 以1,2-丙二醇醇解废旧聚氨酯得到多元醇混合物和胺类化合物,红外光谱法分析了多元醇混合物。
- A rigid polyurethane foam for the roof trimming is prepared, and the moulding method is introduced. 制备了顶内饰用聚氨酯硬泡,介绍了硬泡顶内饰成型方法。
- Non-CFC Foam Insulation The tank is surrounded by a thick coat of non-CFC polyurethane foam to trap heat inside the tank, saving energy. 不含氯氟烃的聚氨酯泡沫绝缘保温层这种内胆环绕着厚实的不含氯氟烃的聚氨酯泡沫绝缘保温层,将热量保留在内胆内,节约能源。