- Problems deserved attention in the design of lightweight steel portal frame structure 门式刚架轻钢结构设计中应注意的问题
- Problems deserving attention in design and construction of lightweight steel portal frame structure 门式刚架轻型钢结构设计施工中应注意的问题
- The shear resistance analysis and test study on base column of light-guage steel portal frame structure 门式刚架轻型钢结构工业厂房柱脚抗剪试验研究与理论分析
- portal framed structure 门架式结构
- Study of Geometrical Nonlinear Performance of Straight Portal Frame Structures 等截面门式刚架结构的几何非线性性能研究
- portal frame structure 门式刚架
- light portal frame structure 轻型门式刚架结构
- PHS Channel and Frame Structure. 标准的信道结构和数据帧结构。
- Derived from an effective combination of space truss and portal frame, a novel long-span structure named lattice portal frame (LPF) is put forward. 网格状门式剐架结构是结合了立体桁架结构和门式刚架结构受力优点而衍生的一种大跨度结构形式。
- The steel frame structure was not invented by Mies. 钢框架结构没有发明的密斯。
- In-plane stability performance of portal frame structures with different ratio of depth to span 均布荷载作用下门式刚架的平面内稳定性能
- Geometrically nonlinear performance of portal frame structures with tapered members 变面门式刚架结构的几何非线性性能研究
- The building is a 7-storeyed framed structure with semi-basement. 7层,异型柱框架结构,底层为半地下车库。
- Portal frame is a familiar type of structure in single-layer factorial building.A lot of factors must be taken into during building for its own characteristics. 门式刚架是目前单层工业厂房中一种常见的结构形式,由于门式刚架自身的特点,在安装时须考虑很多因素。
- The portal frames are joined at the top by a cross member. 在门形框架顶部使用一个横撑相连。
- Complicated frame structures should be avoided. 应避免使用复杂的资讯框结构。
- Portal frame of light steel structure is a common type of structure iii textile industry building, and many factors must be taken into consideration during its designing for its own characteristics. 摘要门式刚架轻型钢结构是目前纺织工业厂房中一种常见的结构形式,由于纺织工业厂房自身的特点,在设计时须考虑很多因素。
- The bent frame system and portal frame system are often used for industrial mill buildings. 在工业厂房中,常用的结构体系有排架体系和刚架体系。
- El uses PPP protocol of HDLC, and Ethernet uses IEEE802.3 Frame Structure. ISDN的数据格式加PPP协议的完成2M数据;
- Dynamic characteristics of the portal frame are also identified from the WPT of low frequency signals. 低频的部分则可以进行门形构架的系统识别。