- The building has been insured against fire and theft. 这座大楼保了火险和失窃险。
- Are you covered against fire and theft ? 你是否保了火险和盗险?
- He brought an accusation of theft against the man. 他指控该男子犯有偷窃罪。
- Are you covered against fire and theft? 你是否保了火险和盗险?
- The loss of all his belongings rammed home the need to insure against fire and theft. 财产损失充分证明了参加火灾和偷盗保险的必要性。
- Are you fully covered against/for fire and theft? 你是否保了足够的火险和盗窃险?
- The prosecutor brought an accusation of theft against him. 检察官指控他偷窃。
- Our policy offers complete protection against fire and theft. 我们的保单全面承保火灾及盗窃风险。
- It covers any loss due to fire, flood and theft. 火灾、洪水和盗窃可以造成任何损失。
- I shall charge Gary with forgery and theft. 我要指控加里犯伪造罪和偷窃罪。
- This policy covers fire and theft. 这张保单保了火灾和盗窃险。
- They have laid an accusation of theft against Croker. 他们控告克罗史行窃。
- It covers any loss due to fire,flood and theft. 保障因火灾、水灾和盗窃所蒙受的损失。
- Are you fully covered for fire and theft? 你是否充分地保了火险和盗窃险?
- I shall charge him with forgery and theft. 我要告他伪造证件,盗窃财物。
- There's no analogy between his position and yours. 他的见解与你的并无相似之处。
- Fire and theft won't scare you anymore. 火灾和盗窃事件不会吓唬到你了。
- However, vandalism and theft are criminal offenses. 然而,故意破坏和偷窃是犯罪行为。
- You can pay100de - posit and the balance within60days. 你可先支付100英镑的保证金,其余欠款可在60天之内支付。
- John was depressed by the uncertainty of his position and duty. 不确定的职位和职能使约翰感到沮丧。