- positiue integral solution 正整数解
- Does your application have an API that you can use as an integration solution? 您的应用程序是否拥有可以作为集成解决方案使用的API?
- As yet, a variety of approaches, such as the perturbation method, power series expansion, angular spectrum representation and integral solution of the wave equation etc. have been proposed to treat the beam propagation behavior beyond the paraxial regime. 迄今已提出许多方法 ,例如微扰法、级数展开法、算子法、角谱分析法和波动方程积分解等方法 ,用以研究光束的非傍轴传输行为。
- A compound PIS (CPIS) method is first proposed in this article to further improve the efficiency of the path integral solution method, and the accuracy and efficiency of the CPIS method is validated. 为进一步提高路径积分法的效率,本文首先提出了一种复合路径积分法,而且这种复合路径积分法的精度和效率得到了证实。
- Promote and sell SMT equipment and provide integrated solution of PCBA to electronic manufacturer. 针对电子制造厂家需求,推广公司的表面贴装生产设备及整体技术解决方案。
- Promote and sell SMT equipment and provide integrated solution to PCBA to electronic manufacturer. 针对电子制造厂家需求,推广公司的表面贴装生产设备及整体技术解决方案。
- TBG can be passed stringent operating and forward-looking to provide accurate and effective brand integration solution. 不论是创建新品牌,或是重塑旧品牌,英特百奇均可通过严谨并具前瞻性的作业为客户提供准确有效的品牌整合解决方案。
- References and wires are key to integrating solution, as they abstract the how and where of the call. 引用和连线是集成解决方案的关键,因为它们抽象出调用的方式和场合。
- Is there a mechanism for the integration solution to poll the application looking for new events? 是否有一个集成解决方案的机制来轮询应用程序以发现新事件?
- Especially the Pocket PC based on Win CE, one product of Compaq, has provided the integrated solution of E-mail. 尤其是Compaq的基于Windows CE的PDA产品Pocket PC,提供了完整的电子邮件解决方案。
- Oracle9iAS Wireless is an integrated solution employing open standards for mobile-enabling any e-business. Oracle9iAS Wireless 是一个集成的解决方案,并采用了面向移动和处理电子商务的开放式标准。
- The overall integrated solution is a strong illustration of Honeywell’s expertise in the paper market. 整合集成解决方案是霍尼韦尔专门技术在造纸市场上最强有力的说明。”
- This was conducive towards the creation of a total business integration solution. 这个有利于朝向创造一个商业总体集成解决方案。
- Use the numerical integration solution based on radiometry and the ray tracing simulation result to do curve fitting. 非线性光波导是指光波导结构中含有折射率会随电场强度而改变的介质。
- The kitchen is an integral part of a house. 厨房是房子不可缺的部分
- If condition is allowed,you’d better to look for integrative solution methods ,which make your counterworker and your succeed . 如果条件许可,最好寻求综合的解决办法,能够使你和对手均成功;
- This paper introduces the new DPS integrated solution of container terminal production system and control, communication, computing technology (CCCT). 摘要介绍了一种集装箱码头生产(DPS)系统与控制、通信、计算(CCCT)技术整合方案。
- Based on different working environments, a combination of different security products can be looped together for a more integrated solution. 不同安全产品基于不同工作环境可集合起来,提供一个集成度更高的解决方案。
- It may take a long time to find a solution to the problem. 也许要花很长时间才能找到解决这个问题的办法。
- From the Maxwell equation in EMT sensing subsystem, two kinds of 3D electromagnetic integral solutions are obtained under material field distribution and with Dyadic Green function as integral kernel. 从EMT传感子系统的Maxwell方程出发 ,得到了两类物场分布情况下的以并矢格林函数为积分核的三维电磁积分解。