- There have been positive developments in international relations. 国际关系已逐步改善。
- The positive development continued in the first half of the new business year. 这一正面的发展是得以延续当年上半年业绩。
- The absence of honesty culture of social agencies has become the bottleneck that affects its positive development. 社会中介组织的诚信文化缺失已成为其良性发展的瓶颈。
- Recently, foreign extrusion technology aimed at the development trend of positive development of reverse extruder. 最近又瞄准国外挤压技术的发展趋势,积极研发反向挤压机。
- Cullen singled out the government's efforts to recapitalize domestic lenders as a particularly positive development. 卡伦指出,政府的努力,国内银行资本的一个特别积极的发展。
- First, Sir Leon noted some of the positive developments in China. 首先,里昂爵士提到了中国某些建设性的发展。
- We believe small-class teaching is a positive development, and we will promote it on the basis of results from the trial and research. 我们对于小班教学的态度是积极的,会根据试验和研究的结果,加以推广。
- Those interviewed on the programme welcome this as a positive development and emphasize the co-operation between the two Navies. 本节目的受访者认为这种发展势头有积极意义,强调两个海军应彼此合作。
- In recent years aimed at foreign extrusion technology and the development trend of positive development of reverse extruder. 近年来又瞄准国外挤压技术的发展趋势,积极研发反向挤压机。
- A similar positive development of lung function was also observed by Petruzelli and coworkers in a group of twelve patients with ILD. Petruzelli及其合作者在对12名患ILD的患者进行NAC治疗观察;效果一致.
- In our sector, we see a positive development of Single Ply roofing systems vs. the traditional modified bitumen (APP, SBS, BUR). 在我们行业中,我认为相对于传统改良型沥青屋顶(APP,SBS,BUR),单层屋顶系统更具发展前景。
- In some societies, fashion becomes more and more important for people to choose clothes. Why? Do you think it is a positive development or negative development? 翻译:在一些社会中,时尚在人们选择衣服时变得越来越重要。为什么?你认为这是一个积极的还是消极的发展?
- This deepening interdependence has made engagement and cooperation the mainstay of Sino-US relations and has contributed to the positive development of Sino-US relations. 相互依赖的发展,使接触与合作成为中美关系发展的主要形式,推动著双边关系的积极发展。
- But he believes in the benefits of the work. “Training the brain to new heights of leadership may represent a very positive development in the human condition,” he says. 但是他坚信这项研究成果的益处,“将领导力的脑部训练推向一个新的高度也许代表了在人类疾病方面非常积极的发展。
- Melody and Melodia study hard and positively develop their talents and skills. 付缘缘、闫晓夏同学学习勤奋,成绩优秀,积极发展个人特长,才艺突出。
- This is a very positive development which shows beyond all doubt the enormous force unleashed when the state entrusts individuals with freedom of action. 这是非常积极的发展势头,毫无疑问地显示出当国家将行动自由赋予人民后所爆发出来的巨大力量。
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- This is a positive development which shows the increasing popularity of basketball in Asian countries,” said FIBA Asia President, Sheikh Saud Bin Ali Al-Thani. 亚洲篮联主席谢赫-萨德-本-阿里-阿勒萨尼说:“这是一个良好的发展态势,它表明目前篮球在亚洲国家已日益得以普及。”
- The 2002 analysis by the National Academy of Sciences argues that, on the contrary, ratifying the CTBT would be a positive development for U.S. national security. 相反的,美国国家科学院于2002年的分析指出,通过CTBT对美国国家安全反而是件好事,更何况现在侦测技术的效率已经提高许多。
- Substation in order to reduce the area of positive developments in recent years, sulfur hexafluoride GIS (GIS). 为了减少变电站的占地面积近年来积极发展六氟化硫全封闭组合电器(GIS)。