- Indeed, it is only with the active and positive involvement of the sectoral management agencies that ICM can function satisfactorily. 擁有ICM過程中關鍵的海岸和海洋活動的專業和資料對於計畫的成功相當重要。
- What kind of work does the position involve? 这个职位包括哪些工作?
- On the News Media Positive Involvement in Public Crisis Management 论新闻媒体对公共危机管理的积极介入
- The position involves high mobility throughout China. 需要在国内其他城市出差。
- This position involves a lot of travel. Is it OK for you? 这个职位需要经常出门旅行。你行吗?
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- His new position involves a qualification of his party's platform. 他的新位置包括随行人员的改变。
- She shied from new involvement in the deal. 她不想再卷入那笔交易。
- Her behaviour was a positive outrage. 她的行为残暴到了极点。
- A dual option position involving a bull and bear spread with identical expiry dates. 一种期权策略,这种策略可以借具有相同有效期的看跌期权或者看涨期权得以贯彻。
- I'm positive she told us to meet at noon. 我肯定她是告诉我们在中午见面。
- His involvement in the scandal was a blot on his reputation. 他因卷入丑闻,在名誉上留下污点。
- This position involves implementation of drastic change in a 50-year old recently privatized SOE. 该职位需要在一家具有50多年历史、最近完成私有化的国企内实施剧烈的变革。
- This charge is a positive charge. 这个电荷是正电荷。
- Suns is positively involving in each rumor about the player who was just waived........... 初中老师说:一个单词念一百遍它就是你的啦。于是我代表太阳队狂念:总冠军啊总冠军。。。。。
- She shows a very positive attitude to her work. 她工作态度非常积极。
- A long position involves inflows greater than outflows in a currency and a short position involved outflows greater than inflows. 多头是一种货币的流入大于流出,而空头指一种货币的流出大于流入。
- Can you be positive about what you hear? 你对听到的话有把握吗?
- Many people were elected to take part in democratic involvement. 很多人被选举参与民主管理。
- Used a precomputed endgame database defining perfect play for all positions involving 8 or fewer pieces on the board, a total of 444 billion positions. 当棋盘上仅剩下8个或更少的旗子时,它使用一个预先计算好的残局数据库在共计444,000,000,000个节点里选出最完美的走法。