- positive semidefinite form 半正定型
- By means of the condition of positive semidefinite of a quadratic form, the location of the tool-axis can be acquired. 传统的数控加工均采用球头刀具,由于刀具与被加工曲面间为点接触,加工精度和效率都较低。
- Then A is positive semidefinite, negative definite and negative semidefinite. 则A是半正定,负定,半负定的。
- This paper is concerned with the problem of real symmetric positive semidefinite matrix pencil under spectral restriction. 本文讨论谱约束下实对称半正定矩阵束的最佳逼近问题,指出一般算法。
- The parametric uncertainty systems in this paper were included in a convex optimization subjected to LMIS, which can be solved by positive semidefinite programming (SDP). 对文中采用的不确定性系统,归结为LMIS约束下的凸优化问题,可利用半正定规划技术求解。
- Semidefinite programming is an extension of linear programming(LP) with vector variables replaced by matrix variables and nonnegativity elementwise replaced by positive semidefinite. 半定规划是线性规划的推广,它是在线性规划中用矩阵变量取代向量变量,用矩阵的半正定性取代向量的非负性得到的。
- In Chapter 2, a sort of parallel multisplitting methods for solving consistent singular symmetric positive semidefinite linear system is presented using analogously diagonally compensated reduction. 在第二章中,利用类似于对角补偿约化的方法[2],我们给出了求解奇异相容对称半正定线性方程组的一类并行多重分裂迭代方法。
- This paper presents a algorithm for distinguishing a real symmetric matrix into a positive definite, positive semidefinite, negative definite, negative semidefinite or non-definite matrix. 给出判别实对称矩阵为正定、半正定、负定、半负定或不定的一个算法;采用选最大对角元的方法,可使数值计算稳定性好。
- The Application of Positive Semidefinite Quadratic Form to Proof of Inequality 二次型半正定性在不等式证明中的应用
- Positive Semidefinite Quadratic Form and Positive Semidefinite Matrix 半正定二次型及半正定矩阵
- The Eigenvalues of Positive Semidefinite Matrices 半正定矩阵乘积的特征值
- part symmetric positive semidefinite matrix 部分对称半正定矩阵
- positive semidefinite (definite) quaternion matrix 半正定(正定)四元数阵
- positive semidefinite Hermitian matrix Hermitian半正定矩阵
- There is positive proof that he did it. 有确切的证据证明他做了此事。
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。
- Most synthetic detergents are in the form of powder or liquid. 大多数合成洗涤剂呈粉状或液态。
- The ginpole is the simplest form of derrick. 起重吊杆是一种最简单的起重机。
- The script is massaged into final form. 这篇稿子经过修改已定稿。