- She made a sign for me to approach her. 她对我发出靠近她的暗号。
- Dark clouds are a sign of rain or snow. 乌云是雨或雪将至的预兆。
- He wore crape as a sign of mourning. 他戴着黑纱表示哀悼。
- post a sign; post a warning at the dump 设立一个标记;在垃圾堆设立警告牌
- The rising level of crime is a sign of the times. 犯罪率增高是这一时代的特徵。
- He removed his hat as a sign of reverence. 他脱下帽子表示敬意。
- post a sign; post a warning at the dump. 设立一个标记;在垃圾堆设立警告牌。
- Shaking the head is a sign of negation. 摇头表示否认。
- Sceptres are carried by kings as a sign of power. 国王所持的权杖是权力的象征。
- Continue in this direction until you see a sign. 一直朝著这个方向走就看见指示牌了。
- I posted a notice about it on the bulletin board. 我把有关那件事的通告贴在布告栏上。
- A sign or notice for display in a public place. 布告标语牌为在公共场合展示的通知或标语
- Where do you go when you want to post a letter? 你想寄信就到哪里去?
- Puffiness round the eyes is a sign of poor health. 眼圈浮肿是不健康的样子。
- Will you go and post a letter for me? 你能去给我发一封信吗?
- We interpret a frown as a sign of disapproval. 我们把皱眉当作不赞成的表示。
- He posted a bulletin on the board. 他在布告板上贴了一张公告。
- A strong square jaw is a sign of firm character. 强健的方颚是性格坚定的象征。
- He went to the post office to post a letter . 他去邮局寄封信。
- Post a guard outside the palace. 在王宫外边设个岗哨。