- Determination of total and free mycophenolic acid and its glucuronide in human plasma by HPLC with postcolumn derivatization 柱后衍生化HPLC测定人血浆中总的和游离麦考酚酸及其葡糖苷酸代谢物
- postcolumn derivatization 柱后衍生法作用
- Emphases were given to the extraction and derivatization of PCP. 重点介绍了PCP的提取、衍生化过程,同时总结了各种方法的优缺点。
- For the apolar compounds, the derivatization was not necessary. 非极性化合物则不需要衍生化。
- Derivatization methods were used to study the monosaccharide composition. 本文采用薄层色谱法分析多糖的单糖组成。
- This article reviews precolumn derivatization methods of glycans currently used for HPLC analysis. 为提高检测的灵敏度,往往需要对糖链衍生化。
- Objective:Aloe polysaccharide was identified and quantified by better method of derivatization. 目的:探索较佳的衍生化方法,对芦荟多糖进行定性定量分析。
- A precolumn derivatization with OPA of HPLC method was established for the determination of Hepa Merz injection. 采用高效液相色谱邻苯二甲醛柱前衍生化法,测定进口药品阿波莫斯注射液中天门冬鸟氨酸的含量。
- Audi will further expand the derivatization in the B segment in the present year with the A5 Sportback. 奥迪将进一步扩大衍生在B部分在本一年的A5跑车。
- This can make heavy atom derivatization in the presence of reducing agents, difficult and frustrating. 这就使得用重金属原子作同晶置换法遇到了麻烦。
- A method was developed for pre-column derivatization and gas chromatographic analysis of validamycin A residue in soil. 建立了土壤中井冈霉素A残留的柱前衍生化气相色谱分析方法。
- Secondly, a robotic sample preparation instrument has been optimized for the amino acid derivatization. 其次,自动化的氨基酸样品制备仪器已经得到优化。
- The plasma concentrations of S warfarin (S W) and R warfarin(R W) were determined by HPLC with a precolumn derivatization. 柱前衍生化HPLC测定稳态时两种对映体浓度 ;
- A new derivatization reagent,tributylsilyl isothiocyanate(TBuS ITC),is applied to C_terminal sequence analysis of peptides. 报道了一种新的用于化学降解法蛋白质C 端序列分析的偶联试剂三丁基硅异硫氰酸酯 (tributylsilylisothiocyanate;TBuS ITC) .
- Amino acids in dried bear gall,ox gall, pig gall and sheep gall were determined by using chemical derivatization method and GC/MS technique. 采用化学衍生化和GC-MS分析技术,测定了熊胆、牛胆、猪胆、羊胆中的氨基酸,经计算机检索确定了14种。
- The methods for chemical derivatization and direct or indirect determination of carbohydrates by HPCE technique are also discussed. 本文评述了近年来毛细管电泳在糖分析中的发展状况和一些常见的分析方法,引用文献51篇。
- Degradation dynamics and final residues of abamectin in cauliflowers and soils were estimated by HPLC with pre-column fluorescent derivatization. 采用柱前衍生高效液相色谱法测定1.;8%25阿维菌素乳油在西兰花和土壤中的残留降解动态和最终残留量。
- The fragmentation pathway of raddeanin A was studied by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry(ESI-MS/MS) together with chemical derivatization. 以化学衍生结合电喷雾电离质谱(ESI-MS/MS)法研究银莲花素A的质谱裂解方式。
- A new method for the determination of trace bromate in water is introduced using phenol derivatization followed by HPLC-UV detection. 针对水中微量溴酸盐的测定问题,建立了一种用苯酚为衍生试剂、用HPLC-UV检测的柱外衍生测定方法。
- Degradation dynamics and final residues of hymexazol in Polygonum capitatum Buch were estimated by GC-FPD with pre-column derivatization. 采用柱前衍生气相色谱法测定广枯灵中恶霉灵在中药材头花蓼上的残留消解动态和最终残留量。