- posteior gastroenterostomy (结肠)后胃肠吻合术
- CONCLUSION: CAC is safe and Simple to use for gastroenterostomy. 结论:应用CAC进行胃肠吻合安全可靠,使用简便。
- Nasal process of premaxialla forms the whole posteior margin of the naris. 前上颌骨背突构成整个外鼻孔的后缘。
- Conclusion: Removal of the diverticulum is essential ,gastroenterostomy is suggestive. 结论:切除憩室是根治的基础,憩室扩置胃肠转流是可取的术式。
- Modified Pull-through urethroplasty was performed during last 10 years for 100 pertients with stricture of posteior urethra. 1988年以来用改进的尿道套入术治疗外伤性后尿道狭窄100例。
- Background Secreted by some specific epithelial cells of gastroenterostomy, gstrointestinal hormones play pivotal roles on intestinal differentiation and function in fetus. 背景:胃肠激素是肠道特殊细胞分泌的激素和肽类,包括胃泌素、胃动素、血管活性肠肽等,对胎儿肠道分化和胃肠功能调节有重要的作用,并在婴儿分娩时达到最高水平,以适应胃肠道喂养。
- plica mallearis posteior membranae tympani 鼓膜后锤骨襞
- posteior inferior cerebellar artery 小脑后下动脉
- Keywords gastroenterostomy;stapler;suturing clamps; 胃肠吻合术;吻合器;缝合器;
- vagotomy and Billroth gastroenterostomy 迷走神经切断术和毕罗(氏)胃肠吻合术
- Cholecystoenterostomy with gastroenterostomy 胆囊小肠吻合术伴胃肠吻合术
- jejuno-interposed gastroenterostomy 空肠移植间置术, 空肠间置胃肠吻合术
- plica mallearis posteior tunicae mucosae cavi tympanicae 鼓室粘膜后锤骨襞
- Keywords Gastroenterostomy;Intraperitoneal adhesion;Rabbits; 胃肠吻合术;腹腔粘连;兔;
- Keywords Colonic neoplasms;Gastroenterostomy;Anastomosis ring; 结肠肿瘤;胃肠吻合术;吻合环;
- Keywords gastroenterostomy;peptic ulcer perforation/SU; 胃肠吻合术;消化性溃疡穿孔/外科学;
- Clinical observation of the effect of the retractor's drag on the cerebral tissue in posteior cranial fossa operation 后颅窝手术中脑压板牵拉力对脑组织影响的临床观察
- The application of Roux-Y anastomosis in gastroenterostomy of duodenal diverticulum Roux-Y吻合在十二指肠憩室旷置术中的应用
- group B, n=4), then the alimenta ry tract was reconstructe d with cholecystojejunostomy and gastroenterostomy. 组动物全部存活,胰淀粉酶在短暂增高后迅速恢复正常。
- 256 cases of gastroenterostomy, choledochoenterostomy and enteroenterostomy using the everting mucosa suture were compared with 318 cases using the Albert-Lambert suture. 胃肠、胆肠及肠肠吻合,采用粘膜外翻缝合外加浆肌层缝合256例,与同期采用Albert-Lambert缝合318例对比。