- posterior cubital facies 肘后面
- It is a posterior view of the skull. 这是颅骨背视图。
- Cubit is an ancient unit of length. 腕尺是古代的一种长度单位。
- anterior cubital facies 肘前面
- posterior cubital carbuncle 肘后痈
- posterior cubital region 肘后区
- The condition of being posterior in location or time. 在后在位置上或时间上较靠后的状况
- Located or occurring posterior to the nose. 鼻后的位于鼻后的,或发生于鼻后的
- This is usually followed by a posterior paresis. 随后通常是后肢麻痹。
- You may call my facies whimsical. 你可以把我这些想法称为异想天开。
- Blood samples were collected from cubital veins. 血液样本抽自肘静脉。
- Its facies, structure and geneses are complicated. 其岩相、结构构造、成因复杂。
- They belong to the amphibolite facies. 属于角闪岩相产物。
- And there was a base of one cubit all around. 周围还有宽一肘的底座。
- At the posterior end of the oesophagus is the crop. 食道的后端是嗉囊。
- Posterior funiculus of spinal cord. 脊髓背侧索;脊髓后索;后索;脊髓背侧索;。
- Located posterior or distal to a ganglion. 神经节后的位于神经节后部或末端的
- A homologous posterior part in quadrupeds. 四足动物的类似的后部
- The sedimentary members are largely turbidites of greywacke facies. 沉积岩的组成大部分为杂砂岩相的浊积岩。
- Calyx lobes 5, posterior lobe smallest. 萼裂片5,后唇瓣裂片小。