- postharvest physiology change 采后生理
- Adult is in expiratory be, is concerned physiology change? 成年人在呼气是,有关生理变化是?
- This paper reviews postharvest physiology of annonas, including respiration and ethylene production, relevant enzymes, fruit softening, fruit browning, and postharvest pathology. 对国内外关于番荔枝果实采后呼吸强度及乙烯产量、相关酶类、果实软化、果实褐变等生理变化、采后病理及保鲜技术的研究进展作了综述。
- It is very significant for the development of radish industry to study postharvest physiology and technology for storage of radish. 因此,研究萝卜贮藏中的生理变化与保鲜技术对萝卜产业发展具有重要意义。
- Advances of postharvest physiology and technology on cut chrysanthemum were reviewed in this paper, and the directions for researches in the future were provided. 摘要从水分、营养物质和乙烯的生物合成3个方面综述了国内外菊花切花采后衰老的原因及采后生理与技术的研究进展,并提出了以后的研究方向。
- Some postharvest physiological changes in Chinese gooseberry [Actinidia deliciosa(A. Chev. ) 以美味猕猴桃[Actinidia deliciosa(A.;chev
- These sexy area physiology change characteristicly, it is one of reasons that reaction of senile male sex decelerates likely. 这些性感区生理特性的变化,有可能是老年男性性反应减慢的原因之一。
- According to the recent experimental results of storage of fresh plum, apricot and Japanese apricot fruits both at home and abroad, the postharvest physiology and handling technology of these crops were summrized. 根据近年来中外有关李、杏和梅鲜果贮藏保鲜研究结果,对这三种核果采后形态解剖和生理生化变化以及影响果实贮藏寿命的因素(如品种、采收成熟度、包装材料和贮藏条件等)进行了综合评述。
- And erect every time slower, seminal gradually little do not ejaculate even, these are normal, it is physiology change, not be a disease. 并且每次勃起较慢,精液渐少甚至不射精,这些都是正常的,是生理变化,不是疾病。
- The present research status in postharvest physiology and preservation technique of loquat were summarized and some suggestions about postharvest treatment of loquat were also proposed. 综述了枇杷果实采后生理与保鲜技术的研究现状,并提出了枇杷贮藏保鲜技术的发展方向。
- Postharvest Physiology and Biotechnology Practice 采后生理与生物技术实习
- postharvest physiology of fruit and vegetable 果品、蔬菜采后生理
- Zhang Z Q, Duan X W, Pang X Q, Ji Z L.The Effects of cold shock on some physiological changes related to thermotolerance of postharvest bananas. 张昭其;段学武;庞学群;季作梁.;冷激对采后香蕉几个与耐热性有关的生理指标的影响
- Study of Postharvest Physiology of Areca 槟榔果实采后生理研究
- Keywords Kumquat Ozone Postharvest physiology; 金柑;臭氧;采后生理;
- Keywords Dongzao Postharvest physiology CA storage; 冬枣;采后生理;气调贮藏;
- It's the whole process of physiological change as well as morphological change more than a simple process. 这种变化不是机械的,而要经过由生理变化到形态变化的全部过程。
- Li D L,Cai Y P,Zhao J.The research progress on postharvest physiological and Fresh-keeping of cut flower[J].Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences,1999,27(2):192-195. [1]李东林;蔡永萍;赵洁.;切花的采后生理及保鲜剂研究进展[J]
- The morphological and physiological change ofsyncytium is considered to be the result of soybean gene expression inducedby SCN directly. 合胞体在形态上和生理上的变化可以认为是SCN直接诱导大豆基因表达的结果。
- In the body weight aspect, should let the child understand that the natural physiological change the inevitability, do not for the body weight increase, but heavyhearted. 在体重方面,应该让孩子了解自然生理变化的必然性,不要为体重的增加而忧心忡忡。